
Exercise for building simple Angular 2 apps

MIT License



Exercise learning the foundations of Angular 2. This tutorial is based on Angular 2 alpha27 and the angular2-seed. In order to try it just clone the repo and follow the steps.

If you get stuck on any of the steps you can use the following branches, which contain the final solution for given chapter:

Step 1

  • Inside init.ts import the module app, which is located in the same directory. You can point it using its relative location.
  • Name the app/app.ts component app, using the selector property of the component annotation.
  • Inside the View annotation add property templateUrl, which should point to the app component's template.
  • Inside the App component's template add the following markup:
<h1>Hello Angular2!</h1>

Congratulations! Now you already have a working Angular 2 application! You can test it by using the terminal. Go to the angular2-github-app-bootstrap directory and type gulp inside your terminal window.

The result should be as follows:

Step 2

  • Inside app/app.ts import the home component and add it as dependency of the App component.
    • The home component is located inside the directory components/home. You can use its relative path.
    • All views accept directives as dependencies. You can define that the App component requires Home as dependency by adding the directive property of the object passed to the component annotation. The directive property accepts an array of directives as value.
  • Inside home.ts import the following annotations and directives from the module angular2/angular2: Component, View, NgFor, NgIf.
  • Add NgFor and NgIf as dependencies of the Home component, the same way you added Home as dependency for the App component.
  • Add templateUrl property for the Home component, which points to the appropriate location.
  • Add property called selector with value home to the object passed to the component annotation of the Home component.
  • Inside app/app.html add the Home component using home element (remove the Hello Angular2! heading).
  • Define a property called users of the Home class, it should be of type string[] and inside the constructor of Home it should be initialized with an empty array.
  • Open the template associated with the Home component and make the following changes:
    • Add property called #currentuser to the input with id user-input. This way you'll be able to reference the input using currentuser.
    • Add a click handler to the button next to the input. The click event should call the method addUser with the currentuser text input
    • Add *ng-for directive to the first tr element inside the body of the table under the All Users legend. It should loop over all users and display their name inside the link in the first cell (note: you can use the interpolate directive {{ }}).
    • To the link inside the first cell add a click handler. Once a click event occurs the selectUser method should be invoked with the currentuser as argument.
    • To the button inside the second cell add a click handler, once a click event occurs invoke the removeUser method with the current user as argument.
  • Now open the Home component and implement the methods addUser, removeUser as follows:
    • addUser(user) should add the new user to the list of users (i.e. users array). Optionally you can restrict the addUser operation to only not existing users. Do not forget to reset the value of the currentuser input once you add it to the list of users.
    • removeUser(user) should remove the given user from the users array.

Awesome! The second step is completed! If you haven't stopped gulp just save the files you changed and refresh http://localhost:5555 in order to see the functionality you just implemented!

Step 3

Did you notice that when you click on any of the users in the list on the right-hand side of the screen an error occurred? Now we're going to fix this!

  • Inside home.ts import the UserDetails component, which is located inside ../../components/user-details/UserDetails and add it as dependency of the Home component.
  • Define a method called selectUser(user:string), which implements the following logic:
    • Sets the selectedUser to null.
    • Sets the loading status to true.
    • Invokes the getUser method with the current user passed as argument. getUser will return a promise, add resolve handler for the promise. The handler should accept a single argument - the user, which we got from the GitHub's API. Inside the callback set the value of the selectedUser and change the loading status to false.
  • Inside the template of the Home component uncomment the lines in the bottom and add *ng-if directive to the .spinner element with value loading (i.e. the element should be visible when the loading status is true).
  • In to the user-details component add two attributes:
    • [user] attribute, which should point to the current selectedUser
    • *ng-if attribute (directive), which should has as value the following boolean expression: selectedUser !== null.
  • Open UserDetails.ts and add the property properties to the object passed to the Component annotation's call. It should be an array with a single value 'user'. This way we state that we want to be able to pass properties to our UserDetails component using the [user] attribute.
  • Now open user-details.html and make the following additions:
    • Add property called [src] to the img element. It should point to the user.avatar_url.
    • To each second cell (i.e. the cells next to the labels "Username", "Followers", "Following", etc.) add the following attributes using the interpolation directive:
      • {{user.login}}
      • {{user.followers}}
      • {{user.following}}
      • {{user.public_repos}}
  • As last step, in order to provide slightly better user experience, inside the removeUser method in the Home component set the value of the selectedUser to null if it is equal to the user we want to remove.

Thats it. You're done with this exercise! You can try it the same way you tried "Step 2"! Congratulations! Here is what you should see as final result:


This is the first iteration of the readme so there might be some typos, mistakes or tasks, which are not quite clear or too verbose. If you think you can improve the quality of the document just fork the repo and initiate a pull request, it will be greatly appreciated!
