
Angular 2 debug output of objects. Contains a pipe similar to JsonPipe but adds support for spacing and handling of circular structures

MIT License


Angular 2 Pretty Json v3.0.0

A module for Angular 2 debug output of objects. Contains a pipe similar to JsonPipe but adds support for spacing and handling of circular structures. Also contains a component that outputs any object with syntax highlight. Warning: just as the JsonPipe, this is an impure pipe and should be used only for debugging purposes.

Breaking change in 3.0.0 The UMD bundle has moved to a "bundle" subdirectory. SymstemJS users should update their system.config. Should not affect AngularCLI and other webpack projects.


npm install angular2-prettyjson

ES2015 / UMD

Two versions are available: ES2015 modules and UMD. If you are using a project based on the AngularCLI, everything should work from a simple npm install. If you are using the Angular Quickstart template (or other SystemJS based compilation), please point to the bundle angular2-prettyjson.umd.min.js file e.g. systemjs.config.js:

    map: {
      // other libraries
      'rxjs':                      'npm:rxjs',
      'angular2-prettyjson': 'npm:angular2-prettyjson'
    packages: {
      'angular2-prettyjson': {
        defaultExtension: 'js',
        main: './bundles/angular2-prettyjson.umd.min.js'


Import PrettyJsonModule to have access to the component and pipes

import {PrettyJsonModule} from 'angular2-prettyjson';

    declarations: [
    imports: [
    providers: [
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

Safe Pipe

The SafeJsonPipe aims to override the JsonPipe and so uses the same name "json". It also accepts an optional argument spaces=2 for the JSON stringify spacing.

  template: `
    {{ circularObj | json }}
    {{ circularObj | json:4 }}
  ` // make sure to use a surrounding element with white-space: pre; for best results


2 spaces (default):

4 spaces:

Pretty (and safe) Pipe

The PrettyJsonPipe stringifies the object and then adds spans around properties, null, arrays etc. You can bind it to the innerHtml of other elements.

  template: `
    <pre [innerHtml]="circularObj | prettyjson:3"></pre>

A good set of styles to use is

   pre span {white-space: normal;}
   .string { color: green; }
   .number { color: darkorange; }
   .boolean { color: blue; }
   .null { color: magenta; }
   .key { color: red; }

If you wish to use the styles property of the parent component, please prefix each class selector with :host /deep/ e.g.

 template: `
   <pre [innerHtml]="circularObj | prettyjson:3"></pre>
 styles: [`:host /deep/ .string {color:green} ...`]

See output under component below.


Creates a pre element into which the Pretty Json pipe'd object is dumped as HTML. Takes care of styling.

Takes an input [obj] that can be data bound to any object.

Make sure PrettyJsonModule is imported in your own module.

  template: `
    <prettyjson [obj]="theForm.value"></prettyjson>
  export class MyComponent {
    ngOnInit() {
      this.theForm ={
