
Resource-like factory for MongoLab based on $http and working with promises

MIT License


Promise-aware MongoLab $resource-like adapter for AngularJS


This repository hosts a Mongolab $resource-like adapter for AngularJS. It is based on $http and is working with promises.

This is a small wrapper around the AngularJS $http that makes setting up and working with MongoLab easy. It has an interface very similar to $resource but works with promises. It significantly reduces the amount of boilerplate code one needs to write when interacting with MongoDB / MongoLab (especially around URLs handling, resource objects creation and identifiers handling).


To see it in action check this plunker: (

Usage instructions

Firstly you need to include both AngularJS and the angular-mongolab.js script [](from this repository).

Then, you need to configure 2 parameters:

  • MongoLab key (API_KEY)
  • database name (DB_NAME)

Configuration parameters needs to be specified in a constant MONGOLAB_CONFIG on an application's module:

var app = angular.module('app', ['mongolabResourceHttp']);

app.constant('MONGOLAB_CONFIG',{API_KEY:'your key goes here', DB_NAME:'angularjs'});

Then, creating new resources is very, very easy and boils down to calling $mongolabResource with a MongoDB collection name:

app.factory('Project', function ($mongolabResourceHttp) {
    return $mongolabResourceHttp('projects');

As soon as the above is done you are ready to inject and use a freshly created resource in your services and controllers:

app.controller('AppController', function ($scope, Project) {
    $scope.projects = projects;


Since this $resource-like implementation is based on $http and returns a promise. Each resource created with the $mongolabResourceHttp will be equipped with the following methods:

  • on the class level:
    • Resource.all([options])
    • Resource.query(criteriaObject,[options])
    • Resource.getById(idString)
    • Resource.getByIds(idsArray)
    • Resource.count(criteriaObject)
    • Resource.distinct(fieldName, criteriaObject)
  • on an instance level:
    • resource.$id()
    • resource.$save()
    • resource.$update()
    • resource.$saveOrUpdate()
    • resource.$remove()

Resource all and query supported options:

  • sort: ex.: Resource.all({ sort: {priority: 1} });
  • limit: ex.: Resource.all({ limit: 10 });
  • fields: 1 - includes a field, 0 - excludes a field, ex.: Resource.all({ fields: {name: 1, notes: 0} });
  • skip: ex.: Resource.all({ skip: 10 });


New contributions are always welcomed. Just open a pull request making sure that it contains tests, doc updates. Checked if the Travis-CI build is alright.
