
An open, portable, searchable image repository with telegram bot integration.

AGPL-3.0 License



An open, portable, searchable image repository with twitter card and telegram bot integration.

(using nodejs + sqlite)

What's New in V2

  • Better image resize (and up to 4K screenshot support)
  • OAuth login so users can manage their own content
  • Moderator support
  • User bookmarks and flags
  • Telegram bot built-in support

(v2 however isn't compatible with v1, due to image quality difference and database backend change)

First Time Setup

  1. Have nodejs installed.
  2. Download latest release
  • Alternatively, git clone
  • Then git checkout tags/<version>
  1. Unzip and cd into your folder
  2. Run these commands in order:
  • npm install
  • npm run db:migrate
  1. Edit the config (see guide below)
  2. Run these commands to start the server
  • npm start
  • you may need sudo due to restriction on port 80/443
  • but don't run your public server with sudo, instead, do this
  1. Access localhost or your domain
  2. To actually login and upload images: you need to create a GitHub or Twitter app for OAuth authentication. We recommend starting with GitHub as it's faster.

(we might add a local password login in future, but for now, you need an OAuth provider)

Updating to Latest

  1. Download latest release, and replace all files
  • If you use git repo: git pull then git checkout tags/<version>
  1. npm install
  2. npm run db:migrate
  3. Your site is now up-to-date.

Telegram Bot

  1. Make sure your site is up and running
  2. Apply for a bot with BotFather
  3. Edit the config (see guide below)
  4. npm run bot
  5. Now you should be able to type @yourbot some-text to search the animeshot database
  6. You can also register your domain with BotFather, and use the optional Telegram web login

Other Commands

  • npm run db:mod -- username will toggle username moderator capability
  • npm run db:upload -- username will toggle username upload capability
  • npm run db:import -- v1.json will import json data extracted from v1 animeshot database (mongodump then bsondump), and import image data from /public/legacy/.
  • npm run db:seed will seed database with some test data
  • npm run db:reset clean up the database
  • npm run db:drop drop all tables
  • npm run dev launch auto-reload dev server for development

Site Config

This is the full config with explanation, but since it's just a JSON file, you shouldn't copy this one, instead: cp animeshot-example.json animeshot.json.

  "site": {
    "meta": {
      "title": "AnimeShot", // site name
      "owner": "your twitter handle", // twitter handler for twitter card
      "tagline": "your site description", // site description
      "logo": "/images/logo.jpg", // site logo for twitter card
      "lang": "en", // language hint and translations, see i18n.json
      "base_url": "", // site domain name
      "version": "r20181016" // only used in static asset cache bursting
    "service": {
      "source": "", // finding out image origin
      "twitter": "" // sharing image
    "server": {
      "ssl_certificate": "/ssl/localhost.crt", // cert file location, see https guide below
      "ssl_key": "/ssl/localhost.key", // key file location, see https guide below
      "http_port": 80, // always redirect to https port, unless has_proxy is true
      "https_port": 443,
      "server_port": 3000, // only used when you set has_proxy to true
      "has_proxy": true // indicate whether server has a reverse proxy
  "cookie": {
    "keys": ["keep this string secret"], // cookie key for signature verification
    "session": {
      "signed": true, // check cookie signature
      "maxAge": 86400000, // cookie expire time
      "key": "animeshot:login" // cookie name
  "oauth": {
    "server": {
      "protocol": "https", // oauth callback protocol
      "host": "", // oauth callback domain
      "callback": "/oauth/callback", // oauth callback route, defined in routes.js
      "transport": "session", // use session for token transport
      "state": true // a random state for added security check
    "twitter": {
      "key": "...apply for a twitter app...", //
      "secret": "...apply for a twitter app..."
    "github": {
      "key": "...apply for a github app...", //
      "secret": "...apply for a github app..."
  "bot": {
    "telegram": "...apply for a telegram bot..." //
    "result_count": 10, // how many result to return per search
    "cache_time": 0, // how long to cache response (used by telegram)
    "is_personal": false, // whether to cache response by user (used by telegram)
    "callback": "/bot/callback" // callback route for telegram login

OAuth Callback

When you are creating a GitHub or Twitter App for OAuth login, remember to fill in the callback or redirect url as following:

  • https://your.domain/connect/github/callback
  • https://your.domain/connect/twitter/callback

This is not the oauth callback route defined in your site config, and the redirect is actually handled internally by grant.

HTTPS Certificate

  • For localhost, you want to read this guide to generate test cert/key files and put them in the ssl folder.
  • For public server, you want to use certbot to generate valid cert/key and then chmod permission and ln certificate/key files to the ssl folder.
  • Then you can modify ssl_certificate and ssl_key in above config to use these cert and key files.

Continuous Service


  • Install forever with sudo npm install -g forever
  • Launch service with forever start index.js and foerver start bot.js
  • If you are using certbot for certificate without a reverse proxy (web server) like nginx, you can config certbot to auto restart animeshot service (so that port 80/443 is available for renewal).
  • sudo nano /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/your.domain.conf and add these lines:
pre_hook = forever stop /full-path/index.js
post_hook = forever start /full-path/index.js


  • Install pm2 with sudo npm install -g pm2
  • Launch service with pm2 start index.js and pm2 start bot.js
  • pm2 startup can setup startup service for you on major linux distributions (like Ubuntu 18's systemd)
  • If you are using certbot for certificate without a reverse proxy (web server) like nginx, you can config certbot to auto restart animeshot service (so that port 80/443 is available for renewal).
  • sudo nano /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/your.domain.conf and add these lines:
pre_hook = pm2 stop /full-path/index.js
post_hook = pm2 start /full-path/index.js

