
Apartment Tenant Management Application


Apartment Rental System

Application that allows apartment managers to track tenants. Built to test throttlebot system from Berkeley NetSys Lab.

To Run

First, navigate to ./quilt-spec/ and run npm install. Then run quilt in a separate tab with quilt daemon. Run the quilt spec with quilt run ./main.js. Use quilt ps to find the IP Address of the machine the web server is running on.


The following routes are defined in the server:

  1. ip_address:3000/app/psql/users - read/write to postgres database instance
  2. ip_address:3000/app/mysql/users - read/write to mySQL database instance
  3. ip_address:3000/app/users - welcome message for the app
  4. ip_address:3000/app/elastic/count - count of items in elastic index

Use Apache JMeter for load testing using the endpoints defined above. The first 2 endpoints have GET and POST requests defined whereas the last two only have a GET request.