
An online coding course website written in pure HTML, CSS and Javascript

MPL-2.0 License



An online coding course website written in pure HTML, CSS and Javascript

Local development

This guide assumes that you are developing this project in Windows operating system and uses VScode as your primary code editor.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository into your local machine

    git clone https://github.com/AlstonChan/ApexCode.git
  2. If you need to develop/test the firebase related code locally, install firebase-tools or the CLI so you can use Firebase emulator.

    npm install firebase-tools -g

    If you do not want to install the package globally, run the following command to install the package scoped to the current project.

    npm install

    To access the package, append npx before running any command. For example: npx firebase -h.

    For full firebase setup, please refer to the section Firebase setup below.

  3. Open index.html directly or by running a live server for hot reloading too see the web page.

  4. If you have setup the firebase, and wish to develop using firebase emulators, run the following command:

    npm run emulators:import

    This will populate the emulator with data instead of having a empty emulator with no data. The default user for testing is:

Firebase setup

  1. Firstly, go to Firebase, you should see this page. Click the top right Sign in button if you haven't sign in yet and click Get started button. firebase homepage

  2. Next, click Add project and enter a project name you desired (ApexCode), then proceed to create your Firebase project.

  3. Below is your firebase console, create a web app and register a name. firebase homepage

    • Since this is project uses vanilla HTML, CSS and Javascript only, select Use a <script> tag option. Copy the content of the script tag into firebase-config.js.
  4. Go to your Firebase console, select the project and navigate to Authentication section. Click get started and enable Email/Password auth, this app will use the selected providers to authenticate user.

  5. Next, navigate to Firestore Database section. Click get started and create a database, select any location you want the data to be stored (This setting cannot be changed later). Next, select Start in Test mode so that you can access to your firestore later without getting unauthorized error, unless you know what you are doing.

  6. Lastly, navigate to Storage section. Select Start in Test mode so that you can access to your firestore later without getting unauthorized error, unless you know what you are doing.

Firebase CLI Setup

Make sure you have done the Firebase Setup before proceeding to this section, as error will occur if the firebase isn't setup in the interface with this guide.

  1. Go to your text editor, in my case, I am using Visual Studio Code. Login to the Firebase CLI using the following command, You will be redirected to your browser to login.

    npx firebase login
  2. After you have successfully login to the Firebase CLI, enter this command to initialize your firebase project to this application.

    npx firebase init
  3. You will be greeted with a big FIREBASE word and you will be asked the following question:

    1. Are you ready to proceed? Response: type y

    2. Which Firebase features do you want to set up for this directory? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choices. Response: select Firestore, Storage and Emulators by pressing space. Use arrow key to navigate your option up and down. After you have selected these three options, press Enter.

    3. Select a default Firebase project for this directory: (Use arrow keys) Response: Use a existing project and select the Firebase project that you just initialize. Press Enter to proceed.

    4. What file should be used for Firestore Rules? Response: press Enter; Use the default firestore.rules

    5. File firestore.rules already exists. Do you want to overwrite it with the Firestore Rules from the Firebase Console? Response: type n

    6. What file should be used for Firestore indexes? Response: press Enter; Use the default firestore.indexes.json

    7. File firestore.indexes.json already exists. Do you want to overwrite it with the Firestore Indexes from the Firebase Console? Response: type n

    8. What file should be used for Storage Rules? Response: press Enter; Use the default storage.rules

    9. File storage.rules already exists. Overwrite? Response: type n

    10. Which Firebase emulators do you want to set up? Press Space to select emulators, then Enter to confirm your choices. Response: select Firestore Emulator, Storage Emulator and Authentication Emulator by pressing space. Use arrow key to navigate your option up and down. After you have selected these three options, press Enter.

    11. Which port do you want to use for the auth emulator? Response: press Enter; Use the default port 9099

    12. Which port do you want to use for the firestore emulator? Response: press Enter; Use the default port 8080

    13. Which port do you want to use for the storage emulator? Response: press Enter; Use the default port 9199

    14. Would you like to enable the Emulator UI? Response: type y

    15. Which port do you want to use for the Emulator UI (leave empty to use any available port)? Response: press Enter or type 4000

    16. Would you like to download the emulators now? Response: type y

Note: You might not meet the same questions as listed in the order above, I might missed some questions.

Recommended VScode extension

The following VScode extension is recommended to install to provide a better developer experience (DX) and streamline your development.


This project uses Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.