
App Generator - The Official Documentation | AppSeed


description: The official documentation of the service.


Research and Innovation-oriented StartUp for developers - Read more about the team and service terms.


AppSeed is a platform that uses in-house developed automation tools to cut the manual work usually involved in web development.

The App Generator is an automated workflow that consumes flat, lifeless UI Kits and builds starters in different patterns and languages: MVC, two-tier architecture, full-stack,SPA ..etc.

👉 Read the full story published on Medium

The product is self-funded, mainly driven by open-source and comunity members connected to the service via diferrent funnels (Email, Newletter) and Discord (1k+ members).

Services and Products

Rocket Django Tailwind

The Django boilerplate has all you need to build your SaaS, Analytics tool, or any other type of Web App. From idea to production in 5 minutes.

Features: DjangoTailwindAPI (DRF) • Celery BeatDataTablesChartsDockerCI/CD.

Free Version PRO Version Custom Development
Django 4.2.9 Everything in Free, plus: Everything in PRO, plus:
✓ Best Practices OAuth GitHub 1mo Custom Development
TailwindCSS/Flowbite Enhanced Charts Team: PM, Developer, Tester
✓ Extended User Model Enhanced DataTables ✅ Weekly Sprints
Simple Charts Media Files Manager ✅ Technical SPECS
Simple DataTables Multi-Language (i18n) Support ✅ Documentation
API via DRF Sentry Error Reporting 30 days Delivery Warranty
Celery Beat PRO Support - Email & Discord -
Docker Unlimited Projects -
CI/CD Flow via Render Private REPO Access -
Free Support (GitHub Issues) Lifetime Updates -
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🚀 LIVE Demo 🚀 LIVE Demo 🛒 Order: $3,999 (GUMROAD)