
Simple JS App Skeleton (React, SemanticUI, Babel, Standard, ES6, Webpack, React-router)


Note: This has been moved to

Simple JS App Skeleton

Here's an app skeleton that binds together common frameworks du-jour:

Note: The purpose of this skeleton is to provide a simple UI skeleton that can be supplemented with backend/deployment specific tools (Node, Ethereum, Mobile, etc).

Other Features

  • Seemless pushState routing using React Router V4
  • Full login/signup flow with separate dashboard and homepage router
  • All CSS and assets served via Webpack/StyleLoader
  • Uses Semantic UI as a rich UI element base
  • Uses ES6 style React components
  • Code hotswapping
  • Static server

Install Dependencies

Run in the project root folder:

npm install


The following command serves all HTML/JS/CSS and watches all changes to src/*.js

npm start

UI is running at http://localhost:3001/ Admin is running at http://localhost:3002/

Directory Structure

  • package.json - Configure dependencies
  • webpack.config.js - Bundling and build configuration
  • serve-static - Static server
  • serve - Static server for development
  • dist/* - Files generated by webpack, incuding index.html. These are the assets that should be HTTP served
  • src/utils - Home of specific JS helper utilities like for example request.js for doing API requests
  • src/components - Home of reuseable components
  • src/assets - Images, favicons, pdf ...
  • src/config - Configurations
  • src/App/* - Components that are tightly coupled to the App UI
  • src/App/index - Main entrypoint into App UI
  • src/Admin/* - Components that are tightly coupled to the Admin UI
  • src/Admin/index - Main entrypoint into Admin UI


  • Bundle improvements
  • Add Dashboard section
  • Add settings section
  • Admin UI