
Converts numbers into a more human-friendly format. E.g. 123456 becomes 123k. Similar to `ls -lh` or Stack Overflow's reputation numbers.


Approximate Number

Abbreviates numbers into a more human-friendly format, similar to ls's --human-readable flag (ls -lh) or Stack Overflow's reputation numbers. For example, 123456 becomes '123k'.

Works in Node.js and in browsers.

var approx = require('approximate-number');

//> 1.2k

//> 12k

console.log(approx(1234, {decimal: false}));
//> 1k

console.log(approx(1234, {decimal: ','}));
//> 1,2k

console.log('My Stack Overflow reputation is %s.', approx(3671, {
  min10k: true
//> My Stack Overflow reputation is 3,671.

console.log('The US national debt is %s.', approx(19939034457936, {
  prefix: '$', 
  capital: true, 
  round: true
// > The US national debt is $20T.

// Truncates/floors numbers by default
// > '9.9k'

// Set `round: true` to round instead of floor.
approx(9999,{round: true});
// > '10k'

Getting Started


Install node module with: npm install --save approximate-number

var approx = require('approximate-number');
approx(123456) // 123k


Install with: bower install approximate-number

<script src="/bower_components/approximate-number/lib/approximate-number.js"></script>
alert(approximateNumber(1234567890)); // 1.2b

Browser usage without a package manager

Grab the latest approximate-number.js and copy it onto your site.


  • separator {String|Boolean} Default = ','. Thousands separator - set to a string (e.g. '.') to use that string or false to not use any separator.
  • decimal {String|Boolean} Default = '.'. Decimal - set to a string (e.g. ',') to use that or set to false to avoid outputting values with a decimal.
  • round {Boolean} Default = false. Round numbers off rather than flooring/truncating. When true, 105000 would become '11m', when false it becomes '10m'.
  • min10k {Boolean} Default = false. Do not abbreviate numbers below 10000. E.g. 9999 would become '9,999' rather than '9k'. (Stack Overflow-style).
  • prefix {String} Default = ''. Optional string to prepend to the value, e.g. '$'.
  • suffix {String} Default = ''. Optional string to append to the value, e.g. '%'.
  • capital {Boolean} Default = false. Set to true to use capital letters, e.g. 3.9M instead of 3.9m
  • precision {Number} Default = undefined. Number of significant digits. Must be greater than 0. Use of this option forces rounding.

V2.1 Changes

  • Added precision

V2 Changes

  • Added optional configuration object
  • Changed default from rounding to truncation. Override with options.round=true.
  • Started abbreviating numbers between 1000 and 9999 by default. Override with options.min10k=true.
  • Added trillions support.
  • Dropped cli support.


Copyright (c) 2014 Nathan Friedly Licensed under the MIT license.