
Generic type-aware compare function for Array.prototype.sort() and sortDeep.

MIT License



Generic type-aware compare function for Array.prototype.sort() and sortDeep.

JavaScript arrays are sorted using string comparison by default, because that's what the spec says. This is an issue when sorting an array which has mixed types.


> const arr = [["a", 10, 1], ["a", 2, 1]]
> arr.sort()

[ [ 'a', 10, 1 ], [ 'a', 2, 1 ] ]  // 10 is before 2, and 2nd-level arrays are not sorted


> const { sortDeep, compare } = require('array-sort-compare')
> const arr = [["a", 10, 2], ["a", 2, 1]]
> sortDeep(arr, compare())

[ [ 1, 2, 'a' ], [ 2, 10, 'a' ] ]

You can also use just the compareFunction provided by this module. This doesn't sort nested arrays though:

> const { compare } = require('array-sort-compare')
> const arr = [["a", 10], ["a", 2]]
> arr.sort(compare())

[ [ 'a', 2 ], [ 'a', 10 ] ]

The tests contain good examples of how it works. Warning: no performance tests have been ran against the module.

Other usage examples

Descending order

const { sortDeep, compare } = require('array-sort-compare')
const arr = [["a", 10, 2], ["a", 2, 1]]
sortDeep(arr, compare('desc'))

Changing the order between types

const { sortDeep, compare } = require('array-sort-compare')
const arr = [["a", 10, 2], ["a", 2, 1]]
sortDeep(arr, compare({
  // Sort booleans first as an example
  typeOrder: ['boolean', 'number', 'string', 'array', 'object', 'null', 'undefined']

Extending types

const isPlainObject = require('lodash.isplainobject')
const { sortDeep, compare } = require('array-sort-compare')

const arr = [{ day: 'TUESDAY', value: 1}, { day: 'MONDAY', value: 0}]
sortDeep(arr, compare({
  // Our new category of objects (type) is called 'weekday'
  // It's an object looking like this:
  // { day: 'MONDAY', value: 0 }
  typeOrder: ['weekday', 'number', 'string', 'boolean', 'array', 'object', 'null', 'undefined'],
  typeCheckers: {
    // the 'weekday' key needs to match the string in typeOrder
    weekday: obj => isPlainObject(obj) && obj.hasOwnProperty('day') && obj.hasOwnProperty('value')
  typeComparers: {
    // the 'weekday' key needs to match the string in typeOrder
    weekday: (a, b) => a.value - b.value


sortDeep(array, [compareFunction])

Sorts given array in-place. Similar to Array.prototype.sort(), but also recursively sorting nested arrays inside the array.

Recommended way to use .sortDeep() is together with the .compare() function:

const { sortDeep, compare } = require('array-sort-compare')
const arr = [["a", 10, 2], ["a", 2, 1]]
sortDeep(arr, compare())

Would result to [[1, 2, 'a'], [2, 10, 'a' ]].


Specifies a function that defines the sort order. If omitted, the array is sorted by default Array.prototype.sort() behavior. The default sorting is done according to each character's Unicode code point value, according to the string conversion of each element. See


Returns a comparator Function which can be passed to Array.sort().


Can be either a string describing the sorting direction or a configuration object. Default: "asc".

Valid string values:

  • asc Sort in ascending order
  • desc Sort in descending order

The default object configuration. Useful for advanced use cases such as specifying a custom order between types or even adding new types.

  // Sorting direction. Valid values are 'asc' and 'desc'.
  // Note: this doesn't affect the order of different types defined in `opts.typeOrder`
  direction: 'asc',

  // These type names is a categorization of this module. The names can be anything, as long
  // as counterparts are found from `opts.typeCheckers` and `opts.typeComparers`.
  typeOrder: ['number', 'string', 'boolean', 'array', 'object', 'null', 'undefined'],

  // Functions which detect given types. The function receives an object of unknown type as the
  // first parameter and returns true if it matches the type. For example
  // { number: obj => typeof obj === 'number' }
  // Note: the given object is *merged* to the default opts.typeCheckers
  typeCheckers: {
    number: _.isNumber,
    string: _.isString,
    boolean: _.isBoolean,
    array: _.isArray,
    object: _.isPlainObject,
    null: _.isNull,
    undefined: _.isUndefined,

  // Compare functions for each type. For default cases the signature is the same as
  // Array.prototype.sort(), see
  // In addition to that, the compare function receives a third positional argument `genericCompare`,
  // which can be used for sorting nested structures such as arrays (recursion).
  // See test/test-all.js for an advanced. example
  // Simple example:
  // { number: (a, b) => a - b }
  // Note: the given object is *merged* to the default opts.typeComparers
  typeComparers: {
    number: numberCompare,
    string: stringCompare,
    boolean: numberCompare,
    array: arrayCompare,
    // object, null and undefined are all using default comparison which considers
    // everything equal. For example two nulls are considered equal

  // Always use 'asc' for these type. Required for recursively sorted "container" types
  ignoreDirectionOfTypes: ['array']


npm install array-sort-compare

