
arXiv comment extractor

MIT License


arXiv Comment Extractor

This repository contains the source code for, a simple web tool designed to extract all commented-out lines from LaTeX source files of papers hosted on

The tool only uses publicly available data from

Basic Usage

  1. Enter an arXiv link or paper ID in the input field (e.g., or 1706.03762).
  2. Click "Get Comments".
  3. The tool will download the LaTeX source of the paper (if available) and extract any lines that are commented out.
  4. If the source is not available (e.g., the paper is provided only as a PDF), an error message will be displayed.

Data Source

This tool solely uses the data available from, specifically from papers that have made their LaTeX source available for download. It does not access any data outside of what is publicly accessible on

Removing Comments

If you want to make sure that comments in your LaTeX source are not exposed when submitting to arXiv, we recommend using one of the following tools to clean your LaTeX code:

By using these tools, you can ensure your LaTeX comments are not included in your submitted arXiv paper.


Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you have any ideas for improvements or new features.


The share icon used in this project is sourced from SVG Repo.