
0-Deps, simple, fast, for browser and node js object schema validator

MIT License



Ascertain what data is not suitable for your library

0-Deps, simple, blazing fast, for browser and Node.js object schema validator


  • Type-safe validation: Ensures your data conforms to predefined schemas.
  • Composite schemas: Supports logical AND, OR, and optional schemas.
  • Type casting: Automatically parses and casts strings to other types.
  • Error handling: Provides detailed error messages for invalid data.

Schema description

  • Primitive Values: Any primitive value (e.g., string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, symbol, null) is used as an expected constant to match against.
  • Function Types: Functions are used as constructors for non-objects and instance types for object types.
  • Array Values: Arrays are used to represent an expected array type, where every item in the array must match the specified type (acting as an "and" operator).
  • Regular Expressions: Regular expressions are used to validate that a value matches a specified string pattern.
  • Object Types: Non-null objects are used as templates for expected properties, where each property of the object must match the corresponding schema definition.

Usage Example

Schema compilation

import { compile, optional, and, or, $keys, $values, Schema, as } from 'ascertain';

const validate = compile({
  number: Number,
  string: String,
  boolean: Boolean,
  function: Function,
  array: Array,
  object: Object,
  date: and(Date, { toJSON: Function }),
  regexp: /regexp/,
  oneOfValue: or(1, 2, 3),
  arrayOfNumbers: [Number],
  objectSchema: {
    number: Number,
  optional: optional({
    number: Number,
  keyValue: {
    [$keys]: /^key[A-Z]/,
    [$values]: Number
  parsedNumber: Number,
  parsedString: String,
  parsedBoolean: Boolean,
  parsedArray: [String],
  parsedJSON: {
    number: 1,
  parsedBase64: String,
  parsedTime: 2 * 60 * 1000, // two minutes
  parsedDate: Date,

Runtime validation

Create data ascertain

import { ascertain, optional, and, or, $keys, $values, Schema, as } from 'ascertain';

// create data sample
const data = {
  number: 1,
  string: 'string',
  boolean: true,
  function: () => {},
  array: [],
  object: {},
  date: new Date,
  regexp: 'regexp',
  oneOfValue: 1,
  arrayOfNumbers: [1,2,3,4,5],
  objectSchema: {
    number: 1,
  optional: null,
  keyValue: {
    keyOne: 1,
    keyTwo: 2,
    keyThree: 3,
  // fault tolernat type casting
  parsedNumber: as.number('1'),
  parsedString: as.string('string'),
  parsedBoolean: as.boolean('false'),
  parsedArray: as.array('1,2,3,4,5', ','),
  parsedJSON: as.json('{ "number": 1 }'),
  parsedBase64: as.base64('dGVzdA=='),
  parsedTime: as.time('2m'),

// create data schema
const schema: Schema<typeof data> = {
  number: Number,
  string: String,
  boolean: Boolean,
  function: Function,
  array: Array,
  object: Object,
  date: and(Date, { toJSON: Function }),
  regexp: /regexp/,
  oneOfValue: or(1, 2, 3),
  arrayOfNumbers: [Number],
  objectSchema: {
    number: Number,
  optional: optional({
    number: Number,
  keyValue: {
    [$keys]: /^key[A-Z]/,
    [$values]: Number
  parsedNumber: Number,
  parsedString: String,
  parsedBoolean: Boolean,
  parsedArray: [String],
  parsedJSON: {
    number: 1,
  parsedBase64: String,
  parsedTime: 2 * 60 * 1000, // two minutes
  parsedDate: Date,

// validate
const validate = ascertain<typeof data>(schema, data, '[DATA]');

Benchmark VS zod and ajv

 Script ajv-vs-zod-vs-ascertain.js
   Suite ajv vs zod vs ascertain
     Perform benchmark
       Measure 500000 zod static schema validation
         (index)   med       p95       p99       total       count  
         0.000699  0.000788  0.000996  0.001624  462.602373  500000 
       Measure 500000 zod dynamic schema validation
         (index)   med       p95       p99       total        count  
         0.006248  0.006918  0.007524  0.016948  3780.465563  500000 
       Measure 500000 ascertain static schema validation
         (index)   med       p95       p99       total      count  
         0.000063  0.000071  0.000098  0.000267  41.673271  500000 
       Measure 500000 ascertain dynamic schema validation
         (index)   med       p95       p99       total       count  
         0.000367  0.000415  0.000525  0.001055  239.078129  500000 
       Measure 500000 ajv compiled schema validation
         (index)   med       p95       p99       total      count  
         0.000063  0.000072  0.000124  0.000307  44.542936  500000 


License The MIT License Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Ivan Zakharchanka