
a demo of an atom-shell app using hardware


Atom Hardware Demo

This app is a very simple app that intergrates hardware ( Arduino with accelerometer ) using johnny-five into an atom-shell app.


To install the this app just clone this repo and enter the directory.

$ cd hardware-demo


First you will need atom-shell, macs have a prebuilt binary, but everyone else read you os's documentation in the development docs.

Then to install the proper dependecies you need to install with apm. Why so, read here?

$ cd src
$ apm install .
$ cd ..

When hooking up hardward please use schematic here.

To run the app its super simple just run the atom binary given to you while installing atom-shell against the src directory. Note: you will need to run as sudo to get access to the usb/serialport

$ sudo ~/path-to/atom src

A window will open that has the text 'Hardware Demo' in white, after a second or so the background will start flashing a greyish color. If you move around the boards the background color should change.


To build on the the app all the files reside in the src directory.

└── src
    ├── package.json
    ├── main.js*
    └── index.html

With atom-shell the entry point is a javascript file specified in the package.json and in this application it is main.js

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