
In atom, piano notes are played as you code... amazing !

MIT License


atom-play-piano package

Piano notes are played as you code... amazing !


First : Activate the plug-in

Use the activate menu item in Packages => Atom play piano => Toggle !

You should already hear a beautiful piano sound each time you add a character to your editor !

Notes are mostly random, but there is some mapping :

  • 1: DO
  • 2: RE
  • 3: MI
  • 4: FA
  • 5: SOL
  • 6: LA
  • 7: SI
  • 8: DO
  • {}: DO, MI ,SOL
  • (): MI, SOL ,SI
  • []: FA, LA ,DO
  • '': RE, FA ,LA
  • "": SOL, MI ,DO+
  • Others: random

To activate a song :

Use the "Choose a song" menu item in Packages => Atom play piano => Choose a song => SongName

Now notes will follow the song you choosed.

Add a custom song :

You also have three free slots to tune in your own songs

  • Go to the package settings
  • Add a name for your custom song
  • Code your custom song as notes separated by commas : DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL
  • Use the Refresh settings sub menu to apply changes

Availables notes (Currently only supporting french notation sry !) :

  • Use the note name: DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI
  • Use the alterations: DOb (that's a b) or DO#
  • To use a higher pitch note use + and for a lower use -: DO+ DO- DOb+ DO#-
  • Note are availables from SOL#- to SOL+

If you want to share your work, feel free to submit a pull request ;) !

Have fun !