
Programmatic package configuration for Atom



atom-use-package lets you install and configure your Atom packages entirely from your Atom init script.

Heavily inspired by John Wiegley's use-package system for Emacs.


atom-use-package provides the usePackage function, which takes care of installing and configuring Atom packages from your .atom/init.js file. The advantage of this is that you can easily maintain (and, perhaps more importantly, keep in version control) a consistent Atom configuration across multiple computers and OS installations.

The recommended way to install this is in your .atom folder:

$ cd ~/.atom
$ npm install atom-use-package

In this way, you can simply import it in your init.js file (or require it in your file, if you prefer that sort of thing):

import {usePackage} from "atom-use-package";


usePackage takes a package name and an optional configuration object. It will check if the package is already installed, run apm install for you if it's not, then go ahead and configure it according to your specifications.

The configuration object looks like this (and all the keys are optional):

type Configuration = {
  config: Object;
  keymap: Object;
  init: Function;
  enableKeys: Boolean;

The config property takes an object of configuration keys and values, and updates the Atom configuration accordingly. The keys will be automatically namespaced to the package you're configuring: usePackage("my-package", {config: {enableFeature: true}}) will result in the configuration key my-package.enableFeature being set to true.

As an example, here is how you'd install the build package and configure it to automatically trigger builds on save:

usePackage("build", {
  config: {
    buildOnSave: true

The keymap property is used to define package specific keymaps. Commands without a prefix will be automatically prefixed with the package you're configuring. For instance, to install the linter package and define your own custom keybindings for linter:next-error and linter:previous-error:

usePackage("linter", {
  keymap: {
    "atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])": {
      "alt-n": "next-error",
      "alt-p": "previous-error"

The init property takes a function which will be called once the package is installed and everything else is configured. For instance, you could use it to set a particular UI theme while leaving the syntax theme unchanged, which can't easily be done using config:

usePackage("atom-material-ui", {
  init: () => {
    const syntax = atom.config.get("core.themes")[1];
    atom.config.set("core.themes", ["atom-material-ui", syntax]);

Finally, the enableKeys property is a special case for users of the disable-keybindings package. If this is true, the name of the package you're configuring will be added to the disable-keybindings.exceptCommunityPackages configuration value, so that the package's own bundled keybindings will be activated.

If you intend to use enableKeys, you should first install the disable-keybindings package like this:

usePackage("disable-keybindings", {
  config: {
    allCommunityPackages: true,
    exceptCommunityPackages: []


In addition to usePackage, the atom-use-package module exports the configSet(scope, options) function. This is the function usePackage calls to set config options, scoped to the current package, but you might want to use this function to set your own editor options in one go, eg.:

configSet("core", {
  autoHideMenuBar: true,
  openEmptyEditorOnStart: false

configSet("editor", {
  fontFamily: "PragmataPro",
  softWrap: true,
  tabType: "soft"


Please keep in mind that usePackage runs asynchronously, so that code invoked after usePackage calls is not guaranteed to (and almost certainly won't) run after the package is installed and configured.

However, usePackage calls are performed in sequence, in invocation order, so that packages can assume previous packages have been fully installed, and code in a usePackage's init hook is guaranteed to run after all previous usePackages have fully completed.


Copyright 2017 Bodil Stokke

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see