
Front-End utility to ease the process of plying audio elements in sequences.

MPL-2.0 License



NPM: to bundle it however you like:
  • To install it:
    npm i audio_sequence --save
  • To import it:
// ES5
const AudioSequence = require('audio_sequence').default

// ES6
import AudioSequence from 'audio_sequence'
  • You can get the latest bundle from here
  • To Import it:
<script src=""></script>
  var Player = new AudioSequence()


Should work with anything newer than Internet Explorer 10 and NodeJS 10.


var Player = new AudioSequence(
     * Utility to help import html templates and parse them minimally.
     * @param {object} options contains the module options.
     *`options` = {
     *  files: [], // files to store and play
     *  repeats: 1, // number of repeats
     *  repeat_whole: true, // repeat all files as whole
     *  repeat_each: false, // repeat each file for the number of repeats
     *  repeat_forever: false, // to keep repeating endlessly
     *  repeat_delay: 0, // to add a time delay between each repeat
     *  reverse_order: false, // to reverse the order list of audio files
     *  shuffle_order: false, // to randomly shuffle the order of the files list
     *  volume: 0.5, // to set the default volume
     *  auto_start: false, // to auto load and start playing as the module loads
     *  autoplay_warning: true, // to display warning if AutoPlay's disabled
     *  autoplay_message: 'message' // message to show if AutoPlay's disabled
     *  NOTE: if both `repeat_each` and `repeat_whole` are `true`. In any case
     *        `repeat_each` will always take precedence.
     * }

// if the default options work for you out-of-the-box. this should load it:
  .then(function(audios) { console.log(audios) })
  .catch(function(error) { console.warn(error) })


  • Repeat whole: allows you to repeat a list of audio files as whole for a given number of repeats or forever.
  • Repeat each: allows you to repeat each file of list of audio files for a certain number of repeats.
  • Repeat delay: allows you to add a delay in-between repeats.
  • AutoPlay policy notification: notify the user with an overlay instructions to how to enable AutoPlay.


List of typical music player like methods:

Method Input Output Description
.play(file = '') file: audio file's link. boolean to start playing the added audio files.
.playAfter(files = []) files: array of files to play. N/A play files after the ongoing playlist sequence is done.
.replay() N/A boolean restart playing the current audio file.
.stop() N/A boolean stop playing all added audio files.
.pause() N/A boolean pause the currently playing audio.
.next() N/A boolean play the next file in the playlist.
.previous() N/A boolean play the previous file in the playlist.
.forward(seconds = 0) seconds: number of seconds to forward with. boolean forward the currently playing audio.
.backward(seconds = 0) seconds: number of seconds to backward with. boolean backward the currently playing audio.
.mute() N/A boolean mute all audio files.
.unmute(volume = 0.5) volume: volume to unmute with. boolean unmute all audio files.
.each() N/A N/A activate repeat each file for the number of Player.repeats mode.
.whole() N/A N/A activate repeat the whole playlist for the number of Player.repeats mode.
.forever() N/A N/A activate forever mode to disregard Player.repeats and repeat forever.
.add(file = '') file: audio file's link. Promise() load and add file to the playlist.
.remove(file = '') file: audio file's link. boolean remove file from the playlist.
.load() N/A Promise() to load Player.files manually with a Promise that resolves when all files are loaded.
.doAfter() todo: function to call when playlist sequence is finished. N/A add a function to list of functions to execute after playlist sequence is finished.


There's a bit old and dated live example, that was created when JQuery was a requirement "no longer it is". But it still works and serves the purpose.

Replaying the playlist sequence: If you want to replay the whole playlist sequence rather than replaying the last audio file with .replay(). You'll have to run Player.load().then(function() { }) or you can automate that with setting autoStart option to true.

Player.autoStart = true
Player.load() // will replay automatically as soon as the tracks are loaded.


  • Run tests with: npm test
  • Auto format with standardJS: npm run format
  • Publish new release: npm run push
  • Update live example: ./