
A list of D3 libraries, plugins and utilities

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Awesome D3 Awesome

This list keeps track of interesting D3js libraries, plugins and utilities. We decided not to list tutorials, resources or concepts here, because there is already a very good list of readings out there you can check out and contribute to.

Curators: Moritz Klack and Christopher Möller of

You can also explore the list with our interactive D3 Discovery tool.


  • billboard.js - Re-usable chart library [bar, line, area, donut, pie, step, spline]
  • britecharts - Client-side reusable charting library [bar, line, donut, sparkline, step]
  • chart-parts - A flexible, React-friendly, Grammar of Graphics for data visualization
  • cubism - Time series visualization
  • c3 - Reusable chart library [line, spline, step, area, stacked, bar, pie, donut]
  • dagre-d3 - Layout directed graphs on the client-side
  • dc.js - For heavy amounts of data
  • d2b - Chart library for axis, pie, sankey, sunburst charts
  • d3-bar - Bar chart
  • d3-beeswarm - Plugin which computes a beeswarm arrangement
  • d3-boxplot - d3js box plot plugin
  • d3-bumps-chart - Plugin for visualizing bumps charts
  • d3-dag - Layout algorithms for visualizing directed acylic graphs
  • d3-ez - Easy Reusable D3 Charts & Components [bar, donut, pie, bubble, rose, heatmap]
  • d3-flame-graph - Flame graphs from hierarchical data
  • d3-funnel - A funnel and pyramid chart library
  • d3-gridding - Chart mockups using grids
  • d3-heatmap - Heatmap
  • d3-message-sequence - A dynamic/static message sequence chart
  • d3-upset - Functions for plotting an UpSet plot [upset, bar, intersections, venn, relationships]
  • d3-x3d - Data Driven 3D Charts with D3 and X3D [bubble, bar, surfacearea, scatterplot, area]
  • d3fc - A collection of interactive chart components [line, bar, stacked, scatter, candlestick, ohlc]
  • d3plus - Extension library for easy creation of visualizations [scatter, stacked, line, bar, pie, network, bubble, box, map]
  • d3panels - Interactive charts with linked brushing [dot, scatter, line, heatmap, histogram]
  • d3pie - A configurable pie chart lib and generator
  • D3xter - Straight forward plotting [plot, timeline, bar, histogram, pie]
  • D4 - Re-usable charts DSL [bar, donut, line, scatter, stacked, waterfall]
  • dTree - Family tree library
  • EventDrops - A time based/event series interactive visualization
  • metrics-graphics - Optimized for visualizing time-series data [line, scatter, area]
  • micropolar - A polar chart library
  • mpld3 - Export matplotlib graphics to work in the Browser
  • neo4jd3 - Neo4j graph visualization
  • nvd3 - Re-usable charts and chart components [box plot, buttlet, candlestick, line, bar, pie, scatter, sparkline]
  • oecd-simple-charts - Simple charting library [box plot, stacked bar, pearl chart]
  • plotly.js - High level charting library [scatter, line, bar, pie, box plot, histogram, heatmap]
  • plottable - Flexible, interactive charts for the web [area, bar, line, pie, scatter, stacked]
  • rickshaw - Toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs [line, scatter, bar]
  • taucharts - Charts with a focus on design and flexibility [line, bar, area, stacked]
  • vega - A visualization grammar
  • vega-lite - A high-level grammar of interactive graphics
  • vega-lite-api - A JavaScript API for Vega-Lite.
  • venn.js - Area proportional Venn and Euler diagrams
  • visavail - Time data availability visualization
  • vizabi - A framework for building visual data exploration tools [bubble, map, line, bar, sankey, donut]
  • WebCola - Layout for graph visualization and exploration
  • xkcdgraphs - Xkcd style graphs [line]
Third Party
  • Layer Cake - A graphics framework built on top of Svelte.
  • nivo - Dataviz components for React with isomorphic ability [bar, line, area, bubble, chord, heatmap]
  • ngx-charts - Chart framework for Angular [bar, pie, line, area, polar, stacked, bubble]
  • potion - Collection of React components for composing visualizations
  • react-d3-components - D3 Components [bar, stacked, scatter, line, area, pie]
  • react-d3-library - Library to use D3 in React [area, bar, line, pie, scatter]
  • react-stockcharts - Highly customizable stock charts [area, line, scatter, bubble, bar, stacked, candlestick]
  • react-vis - A collection of react components to render visualizations [area, bar, heatmap, line, scatter]
  • reaviz - Data visualization library for React based on D3
  • recharts - Re-designed charting library built with React
  • semiotic - A data visualization framework combining React & D3 [scatter, line, area]
  • victory - Composable React components for building visualizations [area, bar, candlestick, pie, line, scatter, voronoi]
  • vx - Visualization components for React [bar, line, scatter, stacked, area, pattern, heatmap, pie, radial, map, geo]
  • Vs - Declarative visualisation components for Vue.js [bar, line, area, pie, donut, stacked, sankey, timeline]
  • v-chart-plugin - Easily bind a chart to the data stored in your Vue.js components.


  • d3-composite-projections - Projections for showing countries' distant lands together
  • datamaps - Customizable map visualizations in one file
  • d3-topogram - Continuous area cartograms based on TopoJSON
  • d3-exploder - Lets you easily move and resize geographic features
  • d3-geo-polygon - Clipping and geometric operations for spherical polygons
  • d3-geo-projection - Extended geographic projections
  • d3-geo-scale-bar - Displays automatic scale bars for projected geospatial data.
  • d3-geo-voronoi - Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulation for the sphere
  • d3-geomap - Library for creating geographic maps
  • d3.geo2rect - Morphing geojson polygons into rectangles
  • d3-inertia - An extension to d3-drag that continues the mouse movement with some inertia
  • mapmap.js - A data-driven API for interactive thematic maps
  • maptable - Convert datasets to a set of visual components (Map, Filters, Table)
  • simple-map-d3 - Easy choropleth style maps
  • spam - Create maps with D3 and Canvas, easily
Third Party
  • leaflet-d3 - Collection of plugins for using D3 with Leaflet [map, geo]
  • Wikimaps-D3js Atlas - CLI to generate raster, topojson and svg maps [map, geo]
  • react-simple-maps - An SVG mapping component library for React, built on top of d3-geo [map, geo]


  • crossfilter - Library for exploring large multivariate datasets
  • d3kit-timeline - Timeline component that labels do not overlap
  • d3scription - Tooltip with window edge collision detection
  • d3-annotation - Annotation helper with built-in annotation types
  • d3-area-label - A library for placing labels in areas
  • d3-breadcrumbs - Simplifies breadcrumbs usage
  • d3-component - Lightweight component abstraction
  • d3-extended - Extends d3 with some common jQuery functions
  • d3-helpers - Little utility functions
  • d3-history - Proper URL bar history
  • d3-hsluv - Human-friendly HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color space.
  • d3-iconarray - A plug-in for aligning elements in grids
  • d3-interpolate-path - Interpolates paths with different number of points
  • d3-jetpack - Nifty convenience wrappers that speed up your daily work
  • d3-lasso - Tag elements by drawing a line over or around objects
  • d3-legend - Legend helper
  • d3-loom - Plugin to create a "loom" visualization
  • d3-nelson-rules - Apply nelsons rules of process control to a set of data
  • d3-peaks - Find peaks in a noisy signal
  • d3-ring-note - Plugin for placing circle and text annotations
  • d3-scale-cluster - Scale that clusters data into discrete groups
  • d3-sparql - Utility for accessing data from SPARQL Endpoints
  • d3-template - Plugin to create and render templates using D3's data binding mechanism
  • d3-tooltip - Arrow shaped tooltip with shadows and dynamic content
  • d3-voronoi-treemap - Computes a treemap based on a Voronoi tesselation
  • d3-xray - Bookmarklet that logs results of the data joins as you mouse over
  • swoopyarrows - Plugin to create swoopy arrows
  • swoopy-drag - Artisanal label placement for d3 graphics
  • textures - SVG patterns for data visualization


  • chess-dataviz - Chess dataviz library
  • codeflower - Bird's eye view of the whole code
  • d3-cloud - Word clouds
  • d3-context-menu - Helper to create context-menus
  • d3-force-gravity - Implement gravitational attraction (or force-field-like repulsion)
  • d3-force-reuse - Faster force-directed graph layouts by reusing force approximations
  • d3-force-sampled - Super fast, linear-time force-directed graph layouts by Random Vertex Sampling
  • d3.sketchy - Creates sketchy backgrounds, shapes and lines
  • d3plus-text - Smart SVG text box with line wrapping and automatic font scaling
  • graph-scroll - Simple scrolling events
  • mermaid - Generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a markdown style
  • netvis - Visualize network communication for arbitrary protocols
  • treeviz - Create customizable trees from json data
  • twitter-sentiment-visualisation - A series of D3.js charts showing realtime sentiment of Twitter data

Server side

  • d3-node - Static chart and map generation
  • Kyrix - Interactive pan/zoom Visualizations with automatic server-side scaling support. Profiles