
A set of steppers components for using with react projects

MIT License


React Steps

A set of steppers components for you to use in your react projects.



It's implemented only the Arrows stepper until now, but more steppers will be available soon. :)

Quick usage

The quickest way for you to use a stepper component in your project is by using a package manager to install it, and a ES6 ready environment.

npm install awesome-react-steps
# or
yarn add awesome-react-steps
import "./node_modules/awesome-react-steps/lib/css/arrows.css";
import { Arrows } from "awesome-react-steps";


    steps: [
      { label: "Step one" },
      { label: "Step two" },
      { label: "Step three" }
    current: 0

Within a controlled container

In a real project you won't actually use the quick example as shown above, you will probably use it inside a container component, for controlling state.

In this situation you better choose StepsModel object instead of plain Javascript object, because it provides some API for you to mutate your state easily.

StepsModel is immutable, its mutation functions will return new objects. You need to capture the return value and change your application state with it.

import React from "react";
import { Arrows, StepsModel } from "awesome-react-steps";

class MyContainer extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      stepsModel: new StepsModel([
        { label: "Step one" },
        { label: "Second step" },
        { label: "Another step" },
        { label: "Last step" }

  render() {
    return (
        <Arrows model={this.state.stepsModel} />
        <button onClick={this.back.bind(this)}>Back</button>
        <button onClick={this.advance.bind(this)}>Advance</button>

  advance() {
    this.setState(prevState => ({

  back() {
    this.setState(prevState => ({
      stepsModel: prevState.stepsModel.previous()


StepsModel class

import { StepsModel } from "awesome-react-steps";


Without arguments:

let model = new StepsModel();
model = model.addStep({ label: "First step" });

With an array of steps:

const model = new StepsModel([{ label: "First step" }, { label: "Last step" }]);

With an object:

const model = new StepsModel({
  steps: [{ label: "One step" }, { label: "Other step" }],
  current: 1

Setting step states

// You can set the current step state using these functions
model = model.skip();
model = model.done();
model = model.invalidate();

// You can also set it directly
model = model.setStepState(myNewState);

Moving throw steps

/// You can move around using these functions
model =;
model = model.previous();

// You can also set the current step directly
model = model.setCurrent(2);

StepState type

import { StepState } from "awesome-react-steps";
// The following states are available

These states are used by each stepper for rendering. Not all steppers will use all these states when rendering. But in your custom styles you can render steps using their states.

Customizing styles


The classes used for each part of the stepper:

/* The root element of the Arrows stepper. The background should be customized in this class.  */
.Arrows {

/* The element which holds a step */
.Arrows--step {

/* The SVG element used to draw the arrow in the background of each step */
.Arrows--step--arrow {

/* The elements for the number and the label of each step */
.Arrows--step--number {
.Arrows--step--label {

The classes for the states of the stepper. You can combine these one with the classes of the stepper parts to custom the rendering style for different states of the stepper.

/* Current step */
.Arrows--step__current {

/* Steps before the current step */
.Arrows--step__passed {

/* Steps after the current step */
.Arrows--step__coming {

/* Invalid step */
.Arrows--step__invalid {

/* Step is done */
.Arrows--step__done {

/* Step was skipped */
.Arrows--step__skipped {

Coming features

  • New steppers types


Open an issue if you encounter a bug or want some new feature. We will appreciate if you write us some pull requests too.


MIT License