
🏆 Web Scrapping from Awwwards to Notion


Notion API - get Awwwards Users votes

Web scrapping scheduled script to save Awwwards votes to Notion app. Ready to be used on Heroku.


Git clone the package to install the script.


Save in a notion table all votes assignated to a specific page. In addition, these fields are scrapped as well :

  • Name (text)
  • Status (select)
  • Country (text)
  • Website (link)
  • Vote (Number)
  • Design (Number)
  • Usability (Number)
  • Creativity (Number)
  • Content (Number)

Build with


  1. Using this script need you to have a Notion account. Then, if needed, create a new Integration. Duplicate this template, share it with your integration,enter the awwwards url you want to follow (eg.[SITE]), save the database id in .env and insert the table in any page you want to display a filtered view (or not).

  2. Save Notion API variables (NOTION_KEY and NOTION_DATABASE_ID) to .env file and Heroku.

  3. Modify the Job timer inside ./clock.js file (default 50min)

const JOBS = [{
  name: "Cron process 1",
  message: { "taskName": "getNotes", "queue": "worker-queue" },
  cronTime: "*/50 * * * *",  // config ->
  repeat: 1
//{... other Job}
  1. You can try the script in local with the following command : $ npm run start. If it work, the Notion table should fill up after a few seconds.

  2. Then, deploy on heroku (thank to CLI) and don't forget to use the next configs.

Notion API

Discover Notion API here.


Heroku must be configured to run those script.

  • Variables:
  • Add-on:
    • Set CloudAMQP free add-on on ressources
  • Buildpack (settings -> in very order):
  • Procfile is needed:
    • worker: node worker.js
    • clock: node clock.js
  • Dynos : 2 (free) dynos must be started:
    • $ heroku ps:scale worker=1
    • $ heroku ps:scale clock=1

Warning concerning Awwwards DOM

Since Puppeteer is base on DOM, it may be broken in future. So, if the script is not able to retrieve some information from awwwards page, it should be because the targeted DOM should be updated. You can do it in the ./appfile.

return { 
  name: el.querySelector(".info > .rows > .row a").textContent,
  status: el.querySelector(".list-number-awards .tooltip-text").textContent,
  website: el.querySelector(".info > .rows .row:last-child a").textContent,
  country: el.querySelector(".info > .rows .row strong:last-child").textContent,
  note: el.querySelector(".note").textContent,
  design: el.querySelector(".list-circle-notes > .design").dataset.note,
  usability: el.querySelector(".list-circle-notes > .usability").dataset.note,
  creativity: el.querySelector(".list-circle-notes > .creativity").dataset.note,
  content: el.querySelector(".list-circle-notes > .content").dataset.note,


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
