
Example repo for developing babel-plugins



This repo is an example repo to follow along to the blogpost Babel, Beyond Assumptions.


Install dependencies:

npm i

Run the babel plugin:

npm start

You can now see the results of the plugin in ./demo/test-out.js.

Run the integration tests:

npm test

Adding more tests

You can add more tests by adding more before and after files in the test directory. The integration tests will run the babel plugin on the files in the before directory, and compare the resulting code with the files in the after directory.

Note that in this example I call prettier on the output of the babel plugin, so the before/after examples are clear to read for humans. If you dont need this, because you want to run a plugin at buildtime only, you can remove the call to prettier in integration.test.js and remove npm run format at the end of the npm start script.