
A basic project based on the TodoMVC project setup to serve as a example and test bed for the use of base JavaScript libraries of Backbone, Require and Wire.


Backbone, Require and Wire test project

A basic project based on the TodoMVC project setup to serve as a example and test bed for the use of base JavaScript libraries of Backbone, Require and Wire.


Install locally via git

$ git clone

This includes all needed libs.

You will need a local web server to demo the project locally.


To see the application running you have two options:

By default the application will run in live mode, adding #dev to the end of the url will put it in dev mode, which means it will use all files rather than the built one.


To access the unit test suite:

This always runs in dev mode.


To install the build system you will need access to make for osx it comes with xcode command line tools, Node and NPM are also needed. Once you have these simply navigate to the js/todos/src directory and run make install.

$ cd js/todos/src
$ make install

All builds can then be run from the js/todos/src directory and with make command

$ cd js/todos/src
$ make


This base application takes advantage of many libraries and plugins, here are the base ones:

  • Backbone
  • Underscore
  • jQuery
  • Handlebars
  • Require Handlebars plugin
  • Require
  • r.js
  • Wire
  • When
  • AOP
  • Jasmine
  • Sinon

See the _libs/README for more info on each.