
A Backbone.JS powered slideshow



A simple backbone.js powered slideshow. Great for satisfying those markety-types, who want a "rotating slide thingy", without having to use a jQuery plugin.


A basic working demo is up on jsfiddle


  • Rotates between any number of slides
  • Generates controls for each slide
  • Play/Pause toggle button
  • Collapsible (pauses when hidden, plays when shown)
  • Jump to any given slide by clicking on the corresponding control (triggers pause)
  • Slide background images and text can be aligned "left" or "right"


  • include lib/css/slideshow.css into your page.
  • mixin the contents of lib/js/app.js into your apps .Models, .Views and .Collections namespaces.
  • include lib/js/slideshow.js into your page.
  • include the 2 client-side templates (slideshow.html > #slide-template, #controls-template) into your page or however you add templates to your app/page.
  • include the boilerplate markup (slideshow.html > #slideshow) into your page.
  • configure the path to your images (slideshow.html > #slide-template) and name them numerically 1.jpg, 2.jpg .... n.jpg etc...


  var slides = new APP.Collections.Slides([
      id: 1,
      headline: 'Heffalumps',
      caption: 'and woozles',
      layout: 'left' // options: 'left', 'right' -> controls layout of text and images in slides
    } //... etc
  var slideshow = new APP.Views.Slideshow().render();

3rd Party Dependencies



Pull requests with passing specs will be gladly accepted :)


These things are a list of 'nice-to-haves' that I'll probably get around to

  • Upload a demo page w/ GH pages.
  • Style the demo page using Twitter Bootstrap
  • API for creating a slideshow completely via js (ie: no html template deps) -> new APP.Views.Slideshow({ container: "#myContainer", slides: myCollection }).render();
  • Configurable Image paths via js (they're hardcoded in the client-side templates right now)
  • CoffeeScript version
  • Package this thing up for standalone use (it was extracted from an existing app and could use some "standalone" love) :)
