


A template for creating MP4s from p5.js sketches.


  • Assets (images, models) are kept in public/assets/
  • Libraries like p5 are kept in public/vendor/
  • Your sketch goes in src/sketches/sketch.js
  • Your HTML can be edited in src/index.html

Steps to Run

Step 1

Clone or download this repo.

Step 2

Install dependencies:

cd bartlett-dfpi-mp4
npm install

Step 3

Run npm run dev to start editing in http://localhost:5000.

Step 4

Replace src/sketches/sketch.js with your sketch.js. Update index.html if you need any other references (e.g. clmtrackr).

Step 5

Make sure to "export" each of your functions like draw, mousePressed, setup, etc.

module.exports.draw = draw;
function draw () {
  // your drawing code...

Step 6

While running, hit Cmd/Ctrl + S to save a PNG into your Downloads folder.

Or, hit Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S to save a MP4 into your Downloads folder.

Step 7

(Real-time showing on screen)

Remove the dimensions field in settings inside your sketch.js code, this will make it fullscreen.

Then you can kill the dev server and run npm run start and it will serve a more production-ready environment.