
Minimal React.js boilerplate with an auto build environment

MIT License


This is a minimal React.js boilerplate with a cross-platform auto build environment which you can fork and clone to easily setup your own projects.

Tip (on platforms with bash): Using git-clone-init makes this very simple.

git-clone-init myProjectName

TODO: Replace this boilerplate with your project description


  • React.js JSX example which fetches from REST source and renders
  • simple build and auto rebuild (watch) using npm run scripts
  • browser-sync for auto reloading in browser on change
  • ES6/7 and JSX compiling to ES5 with babeljs
  • eslint for linting
  • webpack for bundling javascript for the browser
  • uglify for js minification
  • less CSS style compiler
  • autoprefixer for automatically adding css prefixes
  • cleancss for css minification
  • karma for js unit testing in browsers or phantomjs
  • phantomjs for headless testing in browser
  • npm-run-all for simple parallel/serial npm script exec
  • axios for promise based HTTP client
  • cross platform - runs on Mac OS X, linux, unix, windows


  • package.json - dependencies and build commands
  • public/index.html - main HTML
  • public/fake-api.json - mock REST api returning json data
  • src/browser.jsx - React.js JSX code which fetches REST data and renders App component into the main HTML
  • src/app.jsx - Main app component used to display data
  • src/items.kmocha.jsx - sample karma mocha test for items
  • src/util/polyfill.js - Import any core-js or other polyfills here
  • src/util/karma-setup.js - common karma setup
  • style/site.less - CSS styles used by site, edit or import into
  • .babelrc - babel configuration
  • .eslintrc - eslint configuration
  • bs-config.js - browser-sync config, set browser to launch
  • karma.conf.js - karma test configuration
  • postcss.json - postcss config controls autoprefixer
  • webpack.config.js - webpack configuration
  • dist/ - contains compiled and minified css and js


Tested with node.js >= 4.4.0

npm install ## install all dependencies


TODO: update with your usage

Primary use - auto build and reload browser

# use control-c to exit the autobuild watch
npm start # build and watch, auto recompile and load changes

Build only

npm run build # build only

Single run of tests

npm test

Build for Production

npm run prod-build # sets NODE_ENV=production then builds


TODO: Add your goals here


TODO: Add your description of why you created this

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