
See your consistency with sticking to your new habits with a heatmap!



My project is a web and desktop application that allows you to track and visualize your consistency with your habits over time with a calendar heatmap. This allows you to track any habits you’d like and see how you’re progressing towards your goals. I hope that this tool can help those who struggle with being consistent or disciplined.

How to Run



  • all frontend dependencies are included in the package.json file
  • you can install these dependencies by navigating to the frontend folder then running npm i


  • Wails and its dependencies
    • Please follow their 'Getting Started' guide to install all project dependencies
  • Dependencies listed in go.mod
    • install these dependencies by running go get in the backend/root directory (same level as main.go)
  • Since auth isn't set up yet, you will need a .env file with the following values:

note: You must use a MySQL db for this project For example, if you're running a local MySQL database your .env file might look something like this:


Running the App

  • In a terminal window, in the root folder (same folder as main.go) run wails serve to start the backend.
  • In a new terminal window, navigate to the frontend folder, then run npm run serve to start the frontend.
    This runs the development server for the desktop application on http://localhost:3000

How to Contribute

  1. Create an issue*
  2. Fork the repository
  3. Create a solution that solves exactly the features that are mentioned in the issue
  4. Create a pull request with a link to the issue following the format:
## Completed
- [x] add timer functionality
- [x] create timer component
- [x] integrate timer React component with timer functionality

## Goal
Build out the pomodoro timer as outlined in feature request issue #10
  • the list of tasks completed will likely match your commit messages if you're writing meaningful commit messages, if not, it will add clarity to the pull request.

*issues should include a clear description. For bugs this means including screenshots of related error messages and code snippets that you suspect are involved along with your OS, Go, Wails, Node versions. For feature requests, please include a description of the feature, with a user story outlining the problem-space it aims to solve.

Additional Information

Here's an overview of the project structure:

Next Steps

Add Pomodoro functionality

This includes

  • a functional timer component
  • incrementing the count for a habit that has pomodoro enabled

Add Authentication

I would like for users to be able to keep track of their own habits and separate data by user for production.

Release Production Build

Habit Tracker is currently in release for development only, meaning that a stable production release still needs to be developed. I'm planning on migrating the project to Wails v2 which has a lot of bug fixes available. Once I've finished the migration I'll be working on building the executable desktop programs for Mac, Linux, and Windows. That will be the first major release