
A basic integration of sigma.js to display graphs


Basic sigma.js integration

How to...


  • Clone the repo and run npm install in it the dev version with the sample graph

The sample graph is the classic cooccurences network of the characters from Les Misérables.

  • Run npm start in the repo
  • Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser the dev version with your own graph

  • Copy your own GEXF graph my-graph.gexf into the data directory
  • Run npm start in the repo
  • Open http://localhost:3000/?graph=my-graph.gexf in your browser the dev version with your settings

  • Copy your own GEXF graph my-graph.gexf into the data directory
  • Copy your own JSON settings file my-settings.json into the data directory as well (check src/defaultConfig.js to see what settings are accepted)
  • Run npm start in the repo
  • Open http://localhost:3000/?graph=my-graph.gexf&config=my-settings.json in your browser for production

  • Run npm run build in the repo
  • Copy where you need them index.html and the build folder, and eventually the sample graph is you still need it

Roadmap - "MVP"

  • Load a GEXF graph
  • Zoom in, zoom out and center graph buttons
  • Hovering a node highlights its neighbors
  • Network errors and HTTP errors handling
  • Load a GraphML graph

Roadmap - futur releases

  • Button to download the raw data
  • Captions
  • Node sizes / colors selection
  • Attributes repartition charts