


Bellwoods is an art game for mobile & desktop that you can play in your browser. Navigate your kite through endless fields of color and sound, trying to discover new worlds.

All the graphics and audio is procedurally generated to fit the game within 13 kilobytes, as the game was created for the JS13K Game Competition.

Created by Matt DesLauriers, with the contribution of Mélissa Hernandez.

Source Code

The source code is here for educational purposes only. You are not licensed to copy, modify, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this software.

Gameplay Video


Thumbnail Crop:

A couple other images if you'd like to link to the game:


The game is inspired by haiku and the desire to capture a fleeting moment in a single breath. The intro text itself is a 5-7-5 haiku:

over the tall grass following birds, chasing wind in search of color


© 2018 Matt DesLauriers All Rights Reserved

The above copyright applies to all assets, artwork, creative direction, concept, title, text, code, and software within this repository.