
Simple single-page flashcards application based on the bem-core/bem-history and BEM methodology


Flashcards with English-Russian words


Simple single-page English words learning application based on the bem-core and bem-history libraries. The final result you can see here ( Contains about 950+ English words with transcritpions and Russian translations.

Dev installation

git clone [email protected]:ololobus/bem-flashcards.git
cd bem-flashcards
npm install -g bem-cli
npm i
bem server # Go to http://localhost:8080/desktop.bundles/words/words.html

Dictionary update

You can update words in the dict.js using the following ruby script. Usage: ruby xls-to-js.rb -f input.xls -o output.js. After that you can replace words in the dict.js with new ones from output.js.

Input XLS-file should have three columns (A, B, C) with: word, transcription and translation.
