
Run Javascript benchmarks from the CLI.



Run Javascript benchmarks from the CLI

Benchmartian allows you to run your incredible benchmark.js benchmarks from the command line much like you would any other test suite such as mocha.


Install from npm.

$ npm install -g benchmartian

And to run benchmarks:

$ benchmartian

Benchmarking benchmarks/benchmarks.js..
Completed file benchmarks/benchmarks.js.

-> benchmarks/benchmarks.js
    RegExp#test x 15,634,369 ops/sec ±0.96% (94 runs sampled)
    String#indexOf x 25,131,771 ops/sec ±0.97% (95 runs sampled)

Simple as.


Benchmartian will take an array of files as arguments or if no arguments are given, benchmartian will look in benchmark/ directory of the current working directory. You can also supply a reporter which will define how the test results are outputted. To see a list of reporters do benchmartian --reporters.

benchmartian -- Run benchmark.js benchmarks from the CLI.

  benchmartian [files]     Begin benchmarking. If no are files supplied, benchmartian looks in `benchmark/`.
  --reporter [reported]    Select a reporter from /reporters. Defaults to basic.
  --reporters              Print out available reporters.
  --help                   Print this help.


To make defining benchmarks incredibly simple, benchmartian exposes all methods on the benchmark.Suite prototype into the global scope which allows for concise definitions. The only function benchmartian calls (if it hasn't already been called with your own options) is The reporters take care of handling the output so you can sit back and focus on your benchmarks.

Example from the homepage.

add('RegExp#test', function() {
  /o/.test('Hello World!');

add('String#indexOf', function() {
  'Hello World!'.indexOf('o') > -1;

Example defining your own run options:

add('RegExp#test', function() {
  /o/.test('Hello World!');

add('String#indexOf', function() {
  'Hello World!'.indexOf('o') > -1;

options.maxTime = 3; // Second

Since benchmark.Suite is exposed, you can configure how the benchmarks are run by supplying options to the run function or set them on the global options variable. For the options documentation, see here.


Reporters for benchmartian are made incredibly easy by the benchmark.js library. To begin, create a Javascript file by the name of your reporter in the reporters/ directory and require the index.js file. See reporter/basic.js for an example.

	var reporter = require("./");

The reporter's job is to handle different events emitted by benchmartian and a benchmark.Suite on a suite. benchmartian emits 3 events:

  • "begin" with the (files) as an argument.
  • "file" with (filename, suite). It's in this callback where you define your benchmark.Suite events.
  • "complete" with (results). Results is a key value store of results[filename] = suite so you can compile a comphrensive report. For extracting data from the benchmarks, see here.

Finally, export your reporter:

	module.exports = reporter;

All reporters welcome, submit a pull request and we'll stick it in. The default spot is definitely open for something more pretty.


Thanks to the authors of the incredible benchmark.js library. benchmartian owes it's existance to it.
