
A tool to synchronize bibliographic data across applications



A tool to synchronize bibliographic data across applications. Currently support for the following applications is being implemented:


This application uses Node version > 6. You will have to use nvm use 7 or run it in a virtual machine if you only have a standard LTS version of node available. Transpilation through babel will be added later.

  • Clone repository
  • Install the dependencies:
cd bibsync
npm install
git submodule update --init
cd lib/libZoteroJS
npm install
cd ../..
  • Setup configuration: cp config.json.dist config.json, then edit config.json
    • Uncomment apiKey/userId section and provide credentials
    • If you have access to Zotero/WebDAV storage, uncomment sections and provide
    • If you use Bookends, set enabled:true
  • Build the application front-end:
cd html/bibSync/
./ source-hybrid
cd ../..
  • npm start
  • Open your browser at the given address

Development status

Alpha/Proof-of-concept, Everything can and will change

Extract chapters feature

  • add a note containing the table of contents
  • separate author, title and page information with a pipe symbol (|). They must
    be in one paragraph (can be separated by manual line breaks).
  • The second line of the note MUST contain the string [bibsync-toc:authors|title|pages].
    authors,title, pages can also be in a different order, depending on how they
    are placed in the chapter information in the TOC.


Scissors dependencies


apt-get install pdftk ghostscript poppler-utils


Download from

brew install ghostscript xpdf