
greater common divisor (gcd) of two BigInt values using Lehmer's GCD algorithm




Greater common divisor (gcd) of two BigInt values using Lehmer's GCD algorithm. See's_GCD_algorithm. On my tests it is faster than Euclidean algorithm starting from 80-bit integers.

A version 1.0.2 also has something similar to "Subquadratic GCD" (see ), which is faster for large bigints (> 65000 bits), it should has better time complexity in case the multiplication is subquadratic, which is true in Chrome 93.


$ npm install bigint-gcd


import gcd from './node_modules/bigint-gcd/gcd.js';

console.log(gcd(120n, 18n));

There is also an implementation of the Extended Euclidean algorithm, which is useful to find the multiplicative modular inverse:

console.log(gcd.gcdext(3n, 5n)); // [2n, -1n, 1n]

And "Half GCD" which is useful to do the Rational reconstruction: It returns the transformation matrix and the transformed values after applying about half of the Euclidean steps.

console.log(gcd.halfgcd(1000000n, 1234567n)); // [-16n, 13n, 21n, -17n, 49371n, 12361n]


The benchmark (see benchmark.html) resutls under Opera 87:

bit size gcd gcd Julia 1.7.3 gcdext gcdx Julia 1.7.3 invmod Julia 1.7.3 halfgcd
64 0.000230ms 0.000310ms 0.000420ms 0.002550ms 0.002620ms 0.002040ms
128 0.001280ms 0.000500ms 0.002040ms 0.004260ms 0.001510ms 0.005290ms
256 0.002900ms 0.001800ms 0.004000ms 0.002560ms 0.002500ms 0.008510ms
512 0.005550ms 0.003110ms 0.007810ms 0.004210ms 0.004210ms 0.011050ms
1024 0.012450ms 0.006350ms 0.018070ms 0.007930ms 0.007930ms 0.017460ms
2048 0.029540ms 0.012450ms 0.045170ms 0.016360ms 0.015380ms 0.038820ms
4096 0.070800ms 0.025390ms 0.157230ms 0.037110ms 0.034180ms 0.087400ms
8192 0.172850ms 0.069340ms 0.388670ms 0.095700ms 0.086910ms 0.207030ms
16384 0.480470ms 0.164060ms 0.943360ms 0.269530ms 0.238280ms 0.466800ms
32768 1.582030ms 0.468750ms 2.468750ms 0.828120ms 0.738280ms 1.152340ms
65536 4.250000ms 1.421880ms 6.625000ms 2.109380ms 2.757810ms 3.015630ms
131072 11.156250ms 3.796880ms 17.953130ms 5.671880ms 4.953120ms 8.015630ms
262144 30.906250ms 10.406250ms 49.125000ms 18.437500ms 15.843750ms 21.625000ms
524288 81.437500ms 33.187500ms 128.750000ms 43.875000ms 40.750000ms 54.500000ms
1048576 199.250000ms 75.375000ms 325.125000ms 124.750000ms 107.625000ms 135.000000ms
2097152 484.000000ms 185.500000ms 804.250000ms 302.000000ms 279.750000ms 331.250000ms
4194304 1170.000000ms 432.000000ms 1936.500000ms 762.500000ms 687.500000ms 793.000000ms
8388608 2828.000000ms 1081.000000ms 4747.000000ms 1798.000000ms 1696.000000ms 1902.000000ms


import {default as LehmersGCD} from './gcd.js';

function EuclideanGCD(a, b) {
  while (b !== 0n) {
    const r = a % b;
    a = b;
    b = r;
  return a;

function ctz4(n) {
  return 31 - Math.clz32(n & -n);
const BigIntCache = new Array(32).fill(0n).map((x, i) => BigInt(i));
function ctz1(bigint) {
  return BigIntCache[ctz4(Number(BigInt.asUintN(32, bigint)))];
function BinaryGCD(a, b) {
  if (a === 0n) {
    return b;
  if (b === 0n) {
    return a;
  const k = ctz1(a | b);
  a >>= k;
  b >>= k;
  while (b !== 0n) {
    b >>= ctz1(b);
    if (a > b) {
      const t = b;
      b = a;
      a = t;
    b -= a;
  return k === 0n ? a : a << k;

function FibonacciNumber(n) {
  console.assert(n > 0);
  var a = 0n;
  var b = 1n;
  for (var i = 1; i < n; i += 1) {
    var c = a + b;
    a = b;
    b = c;
  return b;

function RandomBigInt(size) {
  if (size <= 32) {
    return BigInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 2**size));
  const q = Math.floor(size / 2);
  return (RandomBigInt(size - q) << BigInt(q)) | RandomBigInt(q);

function test(a, b, f) {
  const g = EuclideanGCD(a, b);
  const count = 100000;
  for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    const I = BigInt(i);
    if (f(a * I, b * I) !== g * I) {
      throw new Error();

const a1 = RandomBigInt(128);
const b1 = RandomBigInt(128);

test(a1, b1, LehmersGCD);
// default: 426.200927734375 ms
test(a1, b1, EuclideanGCD);
// default: 1136.77294921875 ms
test(a1, b1, BinaryGCD);
// default: 1456.793212890625 ms

const a = FibonacciNumber(186n);
const b = FibonacciNumber(186n - 1n);

test(a, b, LehmersGCD);
// default: 459.796875 ms
test(a, b, EuclideanGCD);
// default: 2565.871826171875 ms
test(a, b, BinaryGCD);
// default: 1478.333984375 ms