
Utilities for games


Utilities to make development in easier.

npm install boardgame-utils

You can then import any of the named modules below.

  1. Cards
    1. buildDeck
    2. deck
  2. Grid
    1. buildGrid
    2. getCell
    3. getCoordsFromIndex
    4. getIndexFromCoords
  3. Vue
    1. Vue mixin
    2. Vue plugin
  4. Misc
    1. Misc Notes



import { buildDeck } from 'boardgame-utils'

Function to build a deck with options. Cards in the deck are objects in the same format as those in the deck function.

// defaults shown
    low: 1, // lowest rank, inclusive
    high: 13, // highest rank, inclusive
    suits: ['hearts', 'diamonds', 'clubs', 'spades'] // each suit will receive

// build a deck of only red face cards
    low: 11,
    high: 13,
    suits: ['hearts', 'diamonds']


import { deck } from 'boardgame-utils'

A standard 52-card, 4-suit deck. Contains ranks from 1-13 inclusive and suits ['hearts', 'diamonds', 'clubs', 'spades']. Each card exists as an object with a rank and suit property - for example:

// ace of spades
    rank: 1,
    suit: 'spades'

// king of hearts
    rank: 13,
    suit: 'hearts'

It's left to the developer to handle face cards and aces high/low.



import { grid } from 'boardgame-utils'
const { getCell } = grid

    board = [],
    width = 10

Get coordinates (x, y) from one-dimensional array board, given that board's width. For example, on a 3x3 board:

const board = [
    0, 1, 2,
    3, 4, 5,
    6, 7, 8

getCell(1, 1, board, 3) // = 4
getCell(2, 2, board, 3) // = 8


import { grid } from 'boardgame-utils'
const { getCoordsFromIndex } = grid

getCoordsFromIndex(index, (width = 10))

Get { x, y } coordinates from a given index on a board with the given width. For example, on a 3x3 board:

const board = [
    0, 1, 2,
    3, 4, 5,
    6, 7, 8

getCoordsFromIndex(4, 3) // = { x: 1, y: 1 }
getCoordsFromIndex(8, 3) // = { x: 2, y: 2 }


import { grid } from 'boardgame-utils'
const { getIndexFromCoords } = grid

getIndexFromCoords({ x, y }, (width = 10))

Get index from given index { x, y } coordinates on a board with the given width. For example, on a 3x3 board:

const board = [
    0, 1, 2,
    3, 4, 5,
    6, 7, 8

getIndexFromCoords({x: 1, y: 1}, 3) // = 4
getIndexFromCoords({x: 2, y: 2}, 3) // = 8


import { grid } from 'boardgame-utils'
const { taxicabDistance } = grid

taxicabDistance(a, b)

Get taxicab distance from two vector2s For example:

const board = [
    0, 1, 2,
    3, 4, 5,
    6, 7, 8

taxicabDistance({x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 1, y: 1}) // = 2


import { grid } from 'boardgame-utils'
const { taxicabDistanceFromIndices } = grid

taxicabDistanceFromIndices(a, b, (width = 10))

Get taxicab distance from two indices given a board of width width. For example:

const board = [
    0, 1, 2,
    3, 4, 5,
    6, 7, 8

taxicabDistanceFromIndices(0, 4, 3) // = 4
taxicabDistanceFromIndices(1, 4, 3) // = 1



import { mixin } from 'boardgame-utils'

A Vue mixin to handle setting up a client. This is suitable for small-scale games - larger ones should use the Vue plugin below.

    data: {
        // the initialized client
        client: null,

        // the options to pass to the client
        options: null,

        // whether to automatically set up client on mounted().
        setupClient: true
    methods: {
        // runs before the client is initialized

        // initializes and saves the client
        // run automatically if setupClient == true

        // run after client is initialized and started
    computed: {
        // current game state, null if not initialized

        // current game ctx, null if not initialized

An example setup in a Vue single-file component:

    <!-- only render if game is ready -->
    <section class="game" v-if="G">
        <!-- lets user play one of the cards defined in `data` -->
        <button v-for="(card, i) in cards" :key="i" @click="playCard(card)">
            Play {{ card }}

    import { mixin as boardgameMixin } from 'boardgame-utils'
    // options to pass to client (
    import options from './your-game-options'

    export default {
        mixins: [boardgameMixin],
        data() {
            return {
                // use options imported above
                options: options,

                // example cards
                cards: [1, 2, 3]
        methods: {
            beforeClientInit() {
                // make sure we turn on the debug window
                this.options.debug = true

            playCard(card) {
                // plays 1, 2, or 3
                // assumes we've defined a move called `playCard` in our game (


A Vue plugin to handle + Vue boilerplate.

To register:

import Vue from 'vue'
import { plugin as boardgamePlugin } from 'boardgame-utils'
// client options per
import options from 'your-game-options'
// the plugin registers a vuex module called `boardgame` to handle state manipulation, so you'll also need to have your Vuex store ready to use
import store from 'your-vuex-store'

Vue.use(boardgamePlugin, {
    // client options (required)
    options: options,
    // Vuex store (required)
    store: store,
    // whether or not to initialize the client immediately (optional, default: true)
    initClient: true

The plugin adds the following in Vuex:

  • Store:

    • G - G from state
    • ctx - ctx from state
  • Mutations:

    • commit('UPDATE_STORE') - Updates the store's G and ctx to match the state of the game. Used internally and does not take any arguments.

    Since uses Proxied G and ctx objects, UPDATE_STORE is called to update the store's deep clones of those G and ctx objects. This keeps's internal state self-contained and the Vuex store reactive.

  • Actions:

    • dispatch('INIT_CLIENT', { options : {}}) - Creates a client with the given options. Called automatically unless initClient is set to false
    • dispatch('PLAY_MOVE', { move: 'moveName', options: {} }) - Runs a move with the (optional) given options.
    • dispatch('RESET_GAME') - Reset the game to its starting state.
    • dispatch('RUN_CLIENT_METHOD', { method: 'methodName', options: {} }) - Runs a method on client. For example, to reset the game, you could dispatch ('RUN_CLIENT_METHOD', {method: 'reset'}) (although resetting using the RESET_GAME action is recommended).
    • dispatch('RUN_EVENT', { event: 'eventName', options: {} }) - Runs a event with the (optional) given options.

The plugin also adds the following global mixin:

    computed: {
        G() {
            // alias for this.$store.state.boardgame.G
        ctx() {
            // alias for this.$store.state.boardgame.ctx

Misc notes

Recommended workflow

  1. Prep lib/game dir
  2. Files:
    • index.js passes args to pass to options
    • phases.js contains phases to pass to index, including 1 start: true phase
    • moves.js contains all moves to pass to phases

Misc tips

  • Don't modify G nested properties (like G.enemies[0].hp - 10) directly in Vue events - call moves that include an index so the framework can do so (like <button @click="client.moves.changeHp(i, 10)"</button> in Vue and (index, amount) => G.enemies[index].hp -= amount in the relevant phase).