
The book a course app is a web application that works like an online school. As a new user you register and gain access to our list of courses. The app allows you to reserve a course depending on the dates, delete a course and add a course.


Book a class

This is the final group capstone project - Book-a-class. This is the back-end. The front-end is book-a-class-frontend. Please, see the link below.

Link to the front end repo


Project requirements

The project requirements can be viewed here

Kanban board


Built With

  • Languages: JavaScript, Ruby
  • Framework: Ruby on Rails, React, Bootstrap
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Tools: ReduxToolkit


To start the back-end, do the following:

Run the following commands: git clone cd Book-a-class bundle install rails s Open a browser and go to: https://localhost:3000 to view the app.

Database setup

cd Book-a-class rails db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed

To start the front-end, do the following:

Run the following commands: git clone npm install npm start The WebDev server will ask you to change the port 3000, since it is already ocupied by the Rails server. Type "Y" and continue. The WebDev server will run on port 3001 and will open a new browser loading the home page.


👤 Mubarak A Ibrahim

👤 Yuriy Chamkoriyski

👤 Kalolo Chola Lemba

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.