

Google Book Search Single-Page Application (Antares-style)

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These days, browser-based and NodeJS applications are made up of events: The user types a thing, an API we call gets back to us..

Using the Antares Protocol library, we can quickly implement any system by coming up with a grammar (aka protocol) of event type-names, and produce a highly decoupled application with low complexity, high cohesiveness, and with precise and non-wasteful control of system resources.

For a 'Hello World' of Antares, check out its RunKit, or the 4 Principles from the README:

  1. An agent processes Flux Standard Actions given it through either agent.process or agent.subscribe.
  2. Actions are synchronously processed through functions given to agent.filter
  3. ...and asynchronously processed through functions known as renderers, configured via agent.on.
  4. Renderer functions may produce consequences (i.e. effects, or side-effects), return Observables of new actions to be processed, specify a concurrency mode and be run with other options.

UX Requirements

  • A search box
  • A list of results

Behavior Requirements

  • After the user has stopped typing, we should search the Google Books API
  • Show a loading spinner while results are being returned

Complete Requirements

Of course, as technicians we know we need to specify it more tightly than the Product Owner may, to take into account system level issues and code quality (which we'll fill in ourselves for this demo).

  • The UI contains a search box, and a list of results.
  • Its easy and clear for the user to work it, share it.
  • After the user has stopped typing, we should search the Google Books API.
    • We should not see results from previous searches intermingled with new ones.
    • We should release resources related to previous searches.
  • Show a loading spinner while results are being returned.
    • And show results, if we have them in memory already.
  • The App should be clean to code, maintain and debug.

We can build this app in 7 cumulative phases, using only the 4 Antares agent operators (process, subscribe, filter, and on).

While we'll use React, you'll see that following the Antares Protocol results in a Clean Architecture where the app's UI could be switched from React to any other by changing only a single function.

To illustrate the flexibility of this Antares library was one of my goals in building this example application the way it is.

Our mantra is that we will be Assigning Consequences to Events, where a consequence is either a side-effect, or an Action processed in response to the event.

Our design process is to:

  • Identify an event and name it
  • Assign a consequence to the event, and adjust its operation if necessary
  • Repeat

See the commits for how it took shape over the course of about half a day.