
BuckleScript via nix made easy


BS Platform via Nix and Nix only.

Nix expressions for BuckleScript compiler known as bs-platform. Official npm installation does't work on NixOS as it attempts to compile native dependecies in postinstall hook. Furthermore nix provides several advantages over official npm distribution and can be used across variety of operating systems.

Quick Start

If you're in hurry just nix-env install this project. Make sure you have nix installed!

Use Cachix binary cache to speedup the installation process

$ cachix use bs-platform
$ nix-env -if -A bs-platform7

Available Versions

Version Attribute
7.0.1 bs-platform7
6.2.1 bs-platform6

Include to Your Expression

If you rock NixOS and what to install bs-platform as a system dependency or you using a nix-shell for your project you can use this expression:

# bs-platform.nix
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
  bs-platform-src =
    pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "turboMaCk";
      repo = "bs-platform.nix";
      rev = "2cbefeb081303f6364f28fcdca750a4453886bc1";
      sha256 = "02axqi00g3w6glwhms8dlb2sg1ac0v7bp9g9cbik0ky3x38fa29b";
(import bs-platform-src { inherit pkgs; }).bs-platform7

Custom Versions and Overriding

Expression is build with overriding in mind. That's being said based on the version of choice it might require more or less customizations.

This is an example of how bs-platform.nix can be used to build version 7.0.0:

# bs-platform700.nix
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
  bs-platform-src =
    pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "turboMaCk";
      repo = "bs-platform.nix";
      rev = "2cbefeb081303f6364f28fcdca750a4453886bc1";
      sha256 = "02axqi00g3w6glwhms8dlb2sg1ac0v7bp9g9cbik0ky3x38fa29b";
in with pkgs;
import "${bs-platform-src}/build-bs-platform.nix" {
  inherit stdenv fetchFromGitHub ninja runCommand nodejs python3;
  version = "7.0.0";
  ocaml-version = "4.06.1";
  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "BuckleScript";
    repo = "bucklescript";
    rev = "6dcf1f6ab5e35557098c3c1615ca804850c1813c";
    sha256 = "0jc4ndmr5s09hrjxw5zqi676w7b8jfafxqiyng8d9d3i1lzzaggj";
    fetchSubmodules = true;

Note that overrideAttrs can be used to apply custom patches etc.

Please check build-bs-platform.nix for more information like customizing OCaml versions.


Nix Shell

BuckleScript is expecting to find binaries within the node_modules and essentially just calls into them when ever you run any command within the project. Libraries and other dependencies are then usually installed by npm or yarn. We recommend using npm over yarn because yarn ignores the symlinks within node_modules and tries to reinstall all packages (same is true for symlink created by bsb -init).

Your shell.nix may look like this:

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
with pkgs;
  bs-platform-src =
    pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "turboMaCk";
      repo = "bs-platform.nix";
      rev = "2cbefeb081303f6364f28fcdca750a4453886bc1";
      sha256 = "02axqi00g3w6glwhms8dlb2sg1ac0v7bp9g9cbik0ky3x38fa29b";
  bs-platform =
    (import bs-platform-src { inherit pkgs; }).bs-platform7;
mkShell {
    buildInputs = [ bs-platform nodejs ];

    shellHook = ''
      mkdir -p node_modules
      ln -sfn ${bs-platform} ./node_modules/bs-platform
      ln -sfn ${bs-platform}/bin/* ./node_modules/.bin
      echo "bs-platform linked to $(pwd)/node_modules/bs-platform"

      npm install
Extracted from project README
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