
How to build a reusable Vue.js web-component — (standalone web-component, vs. slim-build, vs. Vue component)


How to build a reusable Vue.js web-component


So you're using Vue.js and Webpack. Not for building a full web-application, but for building a reusable web component — i.e. a user-interface element that your consumers (=other developers) can use in their projects.

This project is a working webpack+npm configuration, that supports three types of consumers for your Vue component: • developers who use it as a standalone web-component; • developers who prefer to only use a slim component build; • developers who use it directly in their own Vue app.

The three consumer types

  • Consumer type 1: These developers don't want to deal with Vue or any Webpack setup. They only want to add one extra <script src="__.js">-tag in the html-header, and use your component as a custom html-tag, like: <my-component attr1="...">...</my-component>.

    • For them, we'll need to bundle the Vue framework, plus code that wraps the
      Vue-component into a web component (which makes it usable as a custom
      html-tag), into a single JS-file.
    • For this we must build our Vue-component
      as a standalone web-component.
  • Consumer type 2: These developers want to add multiple such web-components to their page. And they realize it would make their site slower, if the same Vue framework code would be included by each standalone component.

    • For these consumers, we need to build our Vue-component
      as a slim component.
      This is a build were the shared Vue code & web-component'ifying code
      is split off.
    • Developers can then load this code (that supports all such 'slim'
      components on the page) once, by adding some extra <script>-tags.
      They must also add a few lines of code to 'activate' the component
      with Vue, but they can avoid setting up Webpack.
  • Consumer type 3: These developers just want to import your Vue-component into their own, larger Vue component, or into their Vue app.

    • These developers will have their own Webpack setup.
      So they can include either the .vue file directly, or (more efficiently)
      include the 'slim component' JS-code above.
    • This is the development setup.

There are small differences in how to programmatically interface with a component, based on these three output types. Therefore, if any of these differences pertain to your component, you should make your consumers aware of them. (This project fully describes them all).

Contents of this package

This project includes:

  • a complete Webpack setup to handle the three output types (standalone build,
    slim build, and development setup);
  • three use-cases that demonstrate using the three types;
    with comments that point out the differences;
  • an integrated testing setup with 'mocha-webpack' and 'vue-test-utils';
  • an integrated linting setup with 'ESLint';
  • npm-script commands to launch all of the above.

Detailed content

  • package.json: the scripts section shows the different npm commands (after you ran npm install first) :

    • npm start bundles the code for the browser, starts a Webpack dev-server,
      and opens the demo page index-dev.html (incl. index-dev.js).
    • npm run build launches two build processes: build:slim and build:standalone.
      • These compile both the slim and standalone JS-code into the dist folder,
        named my-component.min.js and my-component.standalone.min.js respectively.
    • npm test runs the test code.
    • npm run testw runs the test code in watch-mode (auto-retests on file changes).
    • npm run testwi does the same but does not clear the console.
    • npm run dev runs start and testwi in parallel, so you can use a single
      console-window during development, to see webpack and test errors.
    • npm run lint runs style checks on the code.
      • These checks are automatically run during the dev/test/builds as well.
      • During dev/test they produce only non-breaking warnings instead of errors.
  • webpack.config.js: the Webpack configuration file.

    • Some people scatter Webpack config over multiple files.
      Others group it all together, and structure it by topic.
      We chose for the clear, single-file approach, where we activate conditional
      config options like:
      Object.assign( {setting1}, DEV ? {setting2} || {} ).
    • This config was inspired by sources all over the web. Where it's maybe less
      obvious, we added comments.
    • (On top of the file you see all npm installed packages. This is useful
      if you'd want to reinstall all packages to their latest major version).
  • .eslintrc.js: ESLint config options.

    • This includes both recommended EcmaScript and Vue.js
      code and code-style checks.
    • When using npm lint, these are the exact options. But for other build
      processes these may be overridden by options in webpack.
  • src/MyComponent.vue: a small demo Vue-component. It is simply:

    • a button to increase a counter;
    • the counter's value;
    • the initial count-value,
      which can be set by an HTML-attribute ('prop') on the component;
    • a value that is given by a getValue() function, located in an Object
      that can be given as a prop on the component;
      • this is used for showing how to set an Object or class (i.e. not a String)
        attribute on a standalone web-component;
    • an event-emitter that fires after the button increased the value;
      • this is used for showing how to add an event-listener to a standalone
  • src/MyComponent.test.js: a small demo of testing some aspects of the Vue-component. This shows that tests are well integrated in the webpack setup.

  • src/test-setup.js: this file is included before any tests are run.

  • src/index-dev.html + src/index-dev.js: the live demo of the Vue-component, served in a webpage, used during development.

    • These need to be two separate files, so that 'webpack-dev-server' can use
      'index-dev.js' as a JS entry-point to find all the other JS code that
      it should bundle.
    • This demonstrates four aspects of using the component:
      • how to give a non-string prop (=attribute);
      • how to attach an event listener;
      • how to change a prop after component creation;
      • how to dynamically add an extra instance of the component,
        that was not present in the webpage originally.
  • index-prod-slim.html: demo of using the 'slim' build.

    • It treats the same four aspects as in 'index-dev',
      with comments on differences in use.
    • It shows how to load the external dependencies in <script>-tags:
      • 'document-register-element'
        (which allows Vue components to be wrapped into a web-component,
        so that we can insert MyComponent as a <my-component> tag),
      • 'vue', and
      • 'vue-custom-element':
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
    • And it shows that the <my-component> tag must be located within another
      tag, e.g.:
      <div id="app">
        <my-component attr="..."></my-component>
      on which the Vue framework must be activated like this:
        Vue.customElement('my-component', MyComponent.default);
        new Vue({ el: '#app' });
  • index-prod-standalone.html: demo of using the 'standalone' web-component build.

    • It treats the same four aspects as in 'index-dev' / 'index-prod-slim',
      with comments on differences in use.
    • Here, no other <script>-tag needs to be added, and
      the <my-component> tag can be used anywhere on the web page.
  • index-prods.html: this includes both index-prod-slim.html and index-prod-standalone.html in two <iframe>s on the same web page. This enables us to verify at one glance (automatically after npm build) that both bundle types still work correctly.

Read more in index-*.*'s comments, on the small differences in use for the three build versions / consumer types.