
A Simple CLI based utility to Orchestrate NodeJs Application builds

MIT License




A Simple CLI based utility to Orchestrate NodeJs Application builds. The workflow has these three,

  • Build (NPM Install, Bower Insall)
  • Bake (Execute the Grunt tasks - lint,test,cover,build OR execute the npm scripts lint,test,cover,build)
  • Bundle (Bundle the Application code and node_modules - Default format is tgz)


Init script to install nodejs and npm and configure the npm defaults

curl -k -o

Install the module

npm install buildorch


node_modules/.bin/buildorch b3  (Executes build, bake and bundle)
node_modules/.bin/buildorch b2  (Executes build and bake)
node_modules/.bin/buildorch build
node_modules/.bin/buildorch bake
node_modules/.bin/buildorch bundle

Pre Requisites

Posix OS

The commands should be executed at application root


Configuration based

The build orchestartion works based on JSON Configuration buildorch.json. If the application did not specify a config json file, a default template is loaded buildorch.json. The config loader supports arbitrary types using the module [shortstop] (

A Sample buildorch.json

	"init" : {
		"clean"	: [
		"script" : ""

	"build" : {
		"preclean"	: [
		"files" : [
		"prescript" : "",
		"execbuild" : {
			"npm" : {
				"command" : "npm",
				"task" : "install",
				"skip" : "exec:./node_modules/buildorch/lib/util/validateutil#skipNpmInstall",
				"failonerror" : true
			"bower" : {
				"command" : "path:node_modules/bower/bin/bower",
				"task" : "install",
				"skip" : "exec:./node_modules/buildorch/lib/util/validateutil#skipBowerInstall",
				"failonerror" : false
		"postscript" : "",
		"postclean"	: [

	"bake" : {
		"files" : [

		"scriptprefix" : "/bin/bash", // OR "/usr/local/node/bin/node" - Optional
		"prescript" : "", 
		"execbake" : {
			"lint" : {
				"task" : "lint",
				"skip" : "env:SKIP_LINT|b",
				"failonerror" : true
			"unittest" : {
				"task" : "test",
				"skip" : "env:SKIP_TEST|b",
				"failonerror" : true
			"coverage" : {
				"task" : "coverage",
				"skip" : "env:SKIP_COVERAGE|b",
				"failonerror" : true
		"postscript" : "",
		"postclean"	: [

	"bundle" : {	
 		"files" : [

		"prescript" : "",
		"execbundle" : {
			"target" : "target",
			"format" : "tar"
		"postscript" : "",
		"postclean"	: [
	"metrics" : {
		"write" : {
			"outfile" : "path:build-metrics.json"


[shortstop-handlers] ( - path, file, env, exec etc.
getit handler

format - getit:<url>#[target_location]#[ENV shouldDownload?],[nooverride]

  • - The remote URL from where the content is downloaded.

  • [target_location] - optional. The local path (relative to cwd) to save the file.

  • [ENV shouldDownload?] - optional. The ENV to decide whether to download the file or not. process.env.[ENV shouldDownload?] should be true to download the file.

  • [nooverride] - optional. If added, the download will not happen if file exists.

This handler will download the file and save it to the process.cwd()/<filepath> location.

The scripts and other executers can reference the file using process.cwd()/<filepath> path.







This can be clean, preclean or postsclean Clean the list of files/directories. This task can be added as a sub task for any Main tasks (init, build, bake, bundle etc)

	"clean"	: [

This can be script, prescript or postscript.

Execute any script by specifying the relative, absolute or remote file location.

	"script" : " path:nodefile.js"

	"script" : "getit:"


Download config/script files from remote location

	"files"	: [

Gets executed automatically before command execs (b3, b2, build etc). You can add any one of the sub tasks for this (clean,files, script)

		"init" : {
			"clean"	: [
			"script" : ""
			"files"	: [

To execute the build task. By Default npm install and node_modules/bower/bin/bower install are executed. The default validator used for npm install and bower install checks are defined in lib/util/validateutil

	"build" : {
		"files" : [

		"script" : "",
		"execbuild" : {
			"npm" : {
				"command" : "npm",
				"task" : "install",
				"skip" : "exec:./node_modules/buildorch/lib/util/validateutil#skipNpmInstall",
				"failonerror" : true
			"bower" : {
				"command" : "path:node_modules/bower/bin/bower",
				"task" : "install",
				"skip" : "exec:./node_modules/buildorch/lib/util/validateutil#skipBowerInstall",
				"failonerror" : false
		"clean"	: [

To execute the tasks - lint, unittest, and coverage. The default task runner is Grunt.

The command can be used to specify the tool/module used to execute the task. Another example would be npm run-script. It will execute the commands in sequential order.

Also, you can define a custom task using the custom key. The SKIP_LINT, SKIP_TEST and SKIP_COVERAGE are already defined part the default config. Developers are free to use any ENV property for this using the Shortstop env handler

The failonerror is by default set to true.

npm run-script lint npm run-script test npm run-script coverage npm run-script build

	"bake" : {
		"files" : [

		"scriptprefix" : "",
		"script" : "",
		"execbake" : {
			"lint" : {
				"task" : "lint",
				"skip" : "env:SKIP_LINT|b",
				"failonerror" : true
			"unittest" : {
				"task" : "test",
				"skip" : "env:SKIP_TEST|b",
				"failonerror" : true
			"coverage" : {
				"task" : "coverage",
				"skip" : "env:SKIP_COVERAGE|b",
				"failonerror" : true
			"custom" : {
				"task" : "build",
				"skip" : "env:SKIP_CUSTOM|b",
				"failonerror" : true
		"clean"	: [

To bundle/assemble the source files to a predefined format.

	"bundle" : {	
 		"files" : [

		"script" : "",
		"execbundle" : {
			"source" : "path:source",
			"target" : "path:target",
			"format" : "tgz", OR (tar, zip, copy, custom)
			"ignorefile" : [
		"clean"	: [

source The source directory to copy over the files after executing the exclude list/ignore patterns.

ignorefile The list of files o specify the ignore patterns.

By default the following files are ignored [Default patterns] ( Plus the .packageignore is automatically loaded if its present.

Add a .packageignore file (Make sure the file extension is not .txt) in the application root directory, to add the list of files/directories to be ignored. This supports regex expressions to match/find the list of files and works exactly like the .gitignore, .jshintignore etc

target The target directory to save the bundled file. Default is process.cwd()/'target'.

format The bundle format. Supported formats are tar, tgz and zip.

In addition to this there are two special types of values for this parameter.

copy This copies over the files from the process.cwd() to source. User can implement their own custom bundle process and invoke it using script.

custom This completely ignores the bundle steps and uses whatever custom implement user specifies using script


To generate the build-metrics.json file.

"metrics" : {
	"write" : {
		"outfile" : "path:build-metrics.json"

Generates build metrics

The orachestartor generates a build-metrics.json file, helpful in figuring out the time spent on granular level tasks and status of individual steps.

A sample build-metrics.json

  "application" : "foo",
  "userid" : "bar",
  "machine" : "blah",
  "action" "build",
  "nodejsVersion": "v0.10.25",
  "builderVersion": "0.0.7",
  "starttime": "2014-04-29 17:44:47",
  "init": {
    "startTime": "2014-04-29 17:44:47",
    "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:44:49",
    "status": "SUCCESS"
  "build": {
    "startTime": "2014-04-29 17:44:49",
    "npm": {
      "starttime": "2014-04-29 17:44:59",
      "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:24",
      "status": "SUCCESS"
    "gruntcli": {
      "starttime": "2014-04-29 17:45:24",
      "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:28",
      "status": "SUCCESS"
    "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:28",
    "status": "SUCCESS"
  "bake": {
    "startTime": "2014-04-29 17:45:28",
    "lint": {
      "starttime": "2014-04-29 17:45:28",
      "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:28",
      "status": "SUCCESS"
    "unittest": {
      "starttime": "2014-04-29 17:45:28",
      "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:29",
      "status": "SUCCESS"
    "coverage": {
      "starttime": "2014-04-29 17:45:29",
      "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:35",
      "status": "SUCCESS"
    "custom": {
      "starttime": "2014-04-29 17:45:35",
      "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:38",
      "status": "SUCCESS"
    "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:38",
    "status": "SUCCESS"
  "bundle": {
    "startTime": "2014-04-29 17:45:38",
    "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:45",
    "status": "FAILURE"
  "endtime": "2014-04-29 17:45:45",
  "status": "FAILURE"


  • actual time spent in addition to starttime and endtime
  • number test failures, number of lint errors
  • Error codes