
Experimental REPL for Bun

MIT License


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Experimental REPL for Bun

NOTICE: This package is planned to be embedded directly into Bun sometime soon, this must be taken into consideration if making contributions to the package.


You can use it directly via Bun with:

bun repl

No installation required!


npm and GitHub releases will always be guaranteed to not rely on current Bun canary versions, but support for any version other than the latest non-canary will not be guaranteed.

The source code repository latest commit may contain code not yet in any release which depends on currently Bun canary-only features and has no guarantees.


  • Seamless JavaScript & TypeScript execution
  • Single run CLI flags --eval and --print
  • Multi-line input (.multiline)
  • Top level import syntax supported (import fs from 'fs')
  • Top level await (experimental)
  • Lazy-loaded builtin modules as preloaded global variables. (including Bun modules! Try ffi or sqlite)
  • Import either CommonJS or ESM local files and packages into the REPL
  • Node.js REPL special underscore variables provided (_ and _error)
  • Resistent to global object modification (output quality may decrease but never crash)
  • Persistent execution history ( )
  • REPL Commands (.command)


bun repl [options]

Pass the -h or --help CLI option for a list of all options.

Type .help within the REPL for a list of commands.

Press and to travel up or down the execution history.

bun repl exposes the special variable repl which provides access to a REPL interface like the Node.js REPL (also accessible through import/require of repl or node:repl).

You can use repl.writer.options like you would in Node.js REPL to customize the live output of the running REPL.