
BVAmbient - Vanilla Javascript Background Particles

MIT License


BVAmbient - Vanilla Javascript Background Particles


There are many good particle libraries out there, however, it's hard to find one that doesn't use canvas or jquery ... so the challenge was to create high-performance, fully customizable background particles without using either, even though you know that will have its own limitations.


  • 🔧 Fully Customizable
  • 💪 No Dependencies, built with VanillaJS
  • 🌎 Tested in All Modern Browsers
  • 😎 Image Support
  • 💻 Responsive
  • 📈 HTML Elements (not canvas)



1 - Include JavaScript Source.

<script src="path/to/bvambient.js"></script>

2 - Include Styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/bvambient.css">

4 - Set HTML.

 <div id="ambient"></div>

3 - Initilize.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
      var demo1 = new BVAmbient({
            selector: "#ambient",
            fps: 60,
            max_transition_speed: 12000,
            min_transition_speed: 8000,
            particle_number: 30,
            particle_maxwidth: 30,
            particle_minwidth: 10,
            particle_radius: 50,
            particle_opacity: true,
            particle_colision_change: true,
            particle_background: "#58c70c"


Add: Add new particles

Value Description
Integer Number of particles to add

Refresh: Removes all current elements and builds a new Ambient


Destroy: Removes all particles and unbind its events


Change: Applies changes to current particles

Name Value Description
type particle_background Parameter
value string Value to apply
    type: "particle_background",
    value: "#1e81d9"


Option Type Default Description
selector String --- Specify ID of the element
fps Integer 60 Frames per second
max_transition_speed Integer 12000 Max transition speed (ms)
min_transition_speed Integer 8000 Min transition speed (ms)
particle_number Integer 50 Number of particles
particle_maxwidth Integer 30 Particle's max width (px)
particle_minwidth Integer 10 Particle's min width (px)
particle_radius Integer 50 Particle's border radius (px)
particle_opacity Boolean true Apply random opacity between 0.2 and 1 to particles
particle_colision_change Boolean true Particle changes size when collides with main div's boundary
particle_background string #58c70c or random Hex or Rgba, random generates a random color when loading or colliding
particle_image Object false Add image to particles
responsive Object default width Different settings according to viewport width to improve performance
refresh_onfocus Boolean true Refresh ambient when user changes tab

Full Example:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
      var demo1 = new BVAmbient({
        selector: "#ambient",
        fps: 60,
        max_transition_speed: 12000, // speed will be randomized between max and min
        min_transition_speed: 8000,
        particle_number: 30,
        particle_maxwidth: 30,
        particle_minwidth: 10,
        particle_radius: 50,
        particle_opacity: true,
        particle_colision_change: true,
        particle_background: "#58c70c",
        refresh_onfocus: true,
        particle_image: {
          image: false,
          src: ""
        responsive: [
              breakpoint: 768,
              settings: {
                particle_number: "15"
              breakpoint: 480,
              settings: {
                particle_number: "10"