
Ethereum coffee supply chain



Coffee supply chain - verifying quality from the farm to you.

v1.0.0 deployed Apr-15-2020 02:02:29 AM +UTC

Contract address: 0xaf1ae181dc75d5c0E1e6ce5F7D77029C511D92B4


  • Ethereum - solc v0.6.4 - Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts
  • Truffle Framework - v5.1.20 - Truffle is the most popular development framework for Ethereum with a mission to make your life a whole lot easier.
  • web3 - v1.2.6 - a collection of libraries which allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node.
  • Node - v10.16.0 - a JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser.

Getting Started Locally

  1. Run npm install in the project directory
  2. Run ganache-cli -m "apple elevator enjoy audit little market slam siren rookie slide alone great" to start a local blockchain server.
  3. Open a new terminal and run truffle compile
  4. Run truffle migrate


  1. Create the file .env at the project root and add the following variables:
MNENOMIC="your mnenomic here"
  1. Change truffle.js to configure networks for where you will be deploying (Rinkeby is already setup as an example)
  2. Use the command truffle migrate --network [name of network] to deploy


Activity Diagram

Sequence Diagram

State Diagram

Class Diagram


truffle test