
utility for setting up Canvas2D dimensions

MIT License



A utility that provides user and screen units for a 2D Canvas.

import getDocument from "canvas-dimensions";

const settings = {
  // a standard paper size or [w, h]
  dimensions: "A4",
  // pixel resolution
  pixelsPerInch: 300,
  // a user coordinate space to work in
  units: "cm",

const {
  // Size in user space coordinates
  // Size in display/screen coordinates
} = getDocument(settings);

// Setup your 2D canvas
canvas.width = canvasWidth;
canvas.height = canvasHeight;

// Scale context to user coordinates
context.scale(canvasWidth / width, canvasHeight / height);

// Draw your graphics in user space coordinates
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);


Use npm to install.

npm install canvas-dimensions --save


output = getDocument(settings = {})

Gets document size information from the given input options.

Input options:

  • dimensions can be a string defining a paper size preset like 'A4' or 'letter' (case insensitive), or an array of [ width, height ]
  • units a string, the output units you would like to work in, can be 'px', 'in', 'cm', 'mm' (default 'px')
  • pixelsPerInch used when converting physical sizes to canvas pixel sizes, defaults to 72
  • orientation an optional string, can be "landscape" or "portrait" and will flip the input dimensions accordingly, mostly useful if you are specifying a paper size preset. Note, the paper size presets are all portrait by default.
  • pixelRatio a factor to multiply the final canvas size by, default 1

The settings input can also just be an [ width, height ] array, which is the same as passing { dimensions: [ width, height ], units: 'px' }.


  • units a string identifying the user coordinate space, such as 'px' or 'cm'
  • width the document width in user coordinates
  • height the document height in user coordinates
  • pixelsPerInch the document resolution
  • canvasWidth the display/pixel width of the resulting canvas
  • canvasHeight the display/pixel height of the resulting canvas
  • pixelRatio the pixel ratio that has been applied to canvas size

import paperSizes from 'canvas-dimensions/paper-sizes.js'

The raw list of possible paper size keywords, see ./paper-sizes.


Some more examples and recipes:

// 1280 x 1280 pixel image
doc = getDocument([1280, 1280]);

// Size canvas to browser size
doc = getDocument({
  dimensions: [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight],
  pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio,

// 18 x 18 " artwork ready for print
doc = getDocument({
  dimensions: [18, 18],
  units: "in",
  pixelsPerInch: 300,

// A4 landscape artwork, working in millimeters
doc = getDocument({
  dimensions: "A4",
  units: "mm",
  orientation: "landscape",
  pixelsPerInch: 300,


MIT, see for details.