
Rate limiting stampede protection for express



An express middleware for rate limiting an application to provide stampede protection.


const cattleguard = require('cattleguard');
const redis = require('redis');

const rClient = redis.createClient();

// Cattleguard now expects the `set` method to include a ttl value. If your
// store does not accept this value by default you will need to wrap your store
// with a method that performs both the set and expire.
// For example:
const client = {
  get(...args) {
  set(key, val, ttl, cb) {
    rClient.set(key, val, (err) => {
      if (err) {
        return cb(err);

      rClient.expire(ttl, cb);

const config = {
 total: 300,
 expire: 1000,
 onRateLimited: (req, res, next) => {
    res.status(503).send('Service Unavailable');

// Rate limiting for _all_ routes.
app.use(cattleguard(config, client));

// Rate limiting for a single route.
config.perRoute = true;'/blogs', cattleguard(config, client), (req, res, next) => {
  // ...

// Rate limiting for a subset of routes based on method.
config.perMethod = true;
  .all(cattleguard(config, client))
  .post((req, res, next) => {
    // Will have its own rate limit.
  .get((req, res, next) => {
    // Will have its own rate limit.

// Rate limiting based on request criteriea.
config.lookup = (req) => req.headers['x-forwarded-for'];'/blogs', cattleguard(config, client), (req, res, next) => {
  // ...

Configuration options

  • config - Rate limit configuration, contains:
    • total: integer, the number of requests per a time period to allow before
      rate limiting.
    • expire: integer, the time period in milliseconds to limit requests.
    • onRateLimited: function, the method to execute when a rate limit has been
      reached. Accepts:
      • req: The reequest object.
      • res: The response object.
      • next: The method to execute after the on rate limited method, if
    • perRoute: boolean, true if rate limiting should happen per route.
      default: false
    • perMethod: boolean, true if rate limiting should happen per HTTP method.
      default: false
    • lookup: function, used to return an identifier for the user requesting.
      This will have the effect of creating a per-user rate limit.
      default: undefined
  • store - A store to maintain the rate limit counts in. Must provide get and
    set methods with the following signatures:
    • get: gets a value from the store.
      • key - The key for the rate limit information.
      • callback - A callback to execute after getting, parameters are err and
        limit where limit is the value for the key.
    • set: sets a value in the store.
      • key - The key for the rate limit information.
      • value - The value to store.
      • ttl - The timeout in seconds for the rate limit information.
      • callback - A callback to execute after setting, parameters are err.


This module was heavily influenced by express-limiter but allows application rate limiting in the interest of guarding against backend failures, rather than the consumer only rate limiting approach that express-limiter takes.