
CertWatch monitors the use of digital certificates in Firefox when you visit secure websites.


Certificate Watch (CertWatch) by Simos Xenitellis [email protected]

A Firefox extension that adds support to log accesses to root certificates. Whenever you visit a secure website (https://), that website is validated using one of the root certificates that pre-exists in Firefox. Currently there is no logging for this process. CertWatch helps resolve the issue.

For example, the secure website https://www.google.com/ is validated by a certification path of length three: a. The website certificate for https://encrypted.google.com/, issued by Google Internet Authority. b. The intermediate certificate of Google Internet Authority (that is, Google is in deal with Equifax to create their own certificates), issued by Equifax. c. The root certificate from Equifax.

There is a similar extension to CertWatch, called CertPatrol, http://patrol.psyced.org/ CertWatch was initially coded in the spring of 2010, and took some ideas from CertPatrol. The main difference between the two is that CertWatch saves the full certification path while CertPatrol only records some of the website certificate details. CertWatch is more helpful when you want to figure out what went wrong or if you have been affected, once a certificate attack is made known. Nevertheless, CertPatrol is more established (older add-on) and lightweigt compared to CertWatch.

*** Feel free to contact for support! ***

The add-on URL is http://certwatch.simos.info/

My blog is http://simos.info/blog/