

Cloudflare Wrangler Reproduction

Linked issue report:

Issue description

Using wrangler.getBindingsProxy to read R2 bucket data, the readable stream will be stuck on big sizes (1MB+) if used with concurrency of 2+ promises. The second stream will never end and Node.js process is stuck. This issue does not happens in production.

Setup repo

  • Clone this repo
  • Enable corepack corepack enable
  • Install dependencies with pnpm install
  • Tip: If you need to use pkill -9 node when server or script is stuck.

Minimal reproduction 1

  • Run simple.mjs script using node ./src/simple.mjs

Minimal reproduction 2

  • Run server.mjs with node ./src/server.mjs
  • Open http://localhost:3030/
  • Upload two big images assets/cat1.jpg and assets/cat2.jpg without reloading page (to avoid early stuck)
  • Reload page it will be stuck
  • Tip: If you need to restart the server, a pkill -9 node might be necessary!