
🚀 Revolutionize tech learning with conversation! Say farewell to static docs—our AI-powered platform guides you through tech info effortlessly. 💬 Join the conversation now!


Chat-Docs-Library ✨🤖💻🗃️

An AI-powered PDF chat built with Next.js 14, Langchain, and Prisma

✨ What we provide ✨

🚀 Revolutionize tech learning with conversation! Say farewell to static docs—our AI-powered platform guides you through tech info effortlessly. 💬 Join the conversation now!

👷🏾‍♂️ Architecture

👩‍🚀 Description

Built with:

  • ✅ Next.js 14
  • ✅ Shadcn-ui
  • ✅ Langchain integration
  • ✅ MongoDB as the knowledge store
  • ✅ Prisma as the database ORM

🗃️ ENV Variables

Here are the environment variables required to run this project:

  • NEXTAUTH_URL: The URL of your Next.js application.
  • NEXTAUTH_SECRET: Secret used for session encryption in NextAuth.js.
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Client ID for Google OAuth authentication.
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret for Google OAuth authentication.
  • GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID: Client ID for GitHub OAuth authentication.
  • GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET: Client secret for GitHub OAuth authentication.
  • DB_URL: URL for connecting to your MongoDB database. (Starts with mongodb+srv://)
  • DATABASE_URL: Prisma database connection URL. (Starts with prisma://) - Note: DATABASE_URL is the Prisma accelerate connection URL.
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: API key for accessing OpenAI services.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
pnpm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts the local dev server at localhost:3000

👏🏽 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome, before creating a PR talk to me on gmail. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.