
Adds some more VIM oriented commands to Checkvist

MIT License


Checkvist extended commands


It adds four new commands to Checkvist

Command Action
l Expand node (same as ``)
L Focus the list item (same as Shift )
h Collapse node (same as ``)
H Un-focus the list item (same as Shift )
o Add below (same as enter)
O Add above (same as alt+enter)
alt+g alt+g Go to the first item in the tree (same as Home or Fn+Up). Why not gg
G Go to the last item in the tree (same as End or Fn+Down)
meta+j macOS users: Move list items down (same as )
meta+k macOS users: Move list items up (same as )


You can use this in several ways

  • Chrome Extension: Download it from the Chrome Store here or clone the repo, zip it, and drag it into chrome://extensions.

  • Bookmark: Add the code from commands.min.js as a bookmark URL like this:

  • Native app: If you're bundling Checkvist as a "native" app using a tool like nativefier, you can add the code like this:
nativefier '' -n Checkvist --inject checkvist-extended-commands/commands.js


Because many of the default VIM shortcuts are already used by Checkvist I have to make a few concessions. The most noticiable is that I can't use gg (or any of it counterparts) to go to the first item on the tree, settling on alt+g alt+g which is much worse.

For a version that doesn't take much of this into account (it uses gg for example) check the daring branch