
Choose a resource in a Jungle 🌴🌴🌴 tree

MIT License



This module let you focus on the business logic instead of going crazy in a if/else jungle 🌴🐵🌴🌴

It implements a generic tree where each node is a Criteria and you can attach optionally a Resouce. When you need the resource, you will evaluate the tree criterias and if the criteria return true the resource is returned. You can build a series of Criteria with many branches as you want!

An example use case is when you have a set of databases connections that are not configured as cluster, and you have to choose one base on some filters, or simply there are settings you need to use based on some boolean of your company crazy configuration!

In these cases you have to write always the same if/else conditions to pick one of those resources.

choose-it will solve this problem: build the tree, grab the resource 🎉

graph TD;
  ROOT((Root))-->A((i<0 R:-1));
  ROOT-->B((i==0 R: 0));
  ROOT-->C((i>0 R: 1));
  A-->A1((i<-5 R: -5));
  A-->A2((i>-5 R: -4));
  B-->B1((i<=10 R: -10));
  C-->C1((i>10 R: 10));
  C-->C2((i<10 R: 9));
  C-->C3((i>99 R: 100));
  C1-->C11((i>6 R: 7));

*This tree is built in our tests!


npm install choose-it


const ChooseIt = require('choose-it')

const exampleConfig = {
  admin: {
    viewAll: true
  external: {
    viewAll: false,
    login: 'http://external.login.log'
  guest: {
    viewAll: false,
    login: 'http://login.log'

const resouceChooser = new ChooseIt()

// Optionally, assign a "resource" to a Criteria
resouceChooser.addCriteria((item) => item.admin === true, exampleConfig.admin)

// You can chain the Criteria to build sub-conditions
resouceChooser.addCriteria((item) => item.guest === true, exampleConfig.guest)
  .addCriteria((item) => item.external === true, exampleConfig.external)

// Assign a node to a variable to use it later
const myNode = resouceChooser.addCriteria((item) => item.power === false, { noPower: true })

// Add a sibling node. You can't call this method on the root node!
myNode.addSiblingCriteria((item) => item.power === true, { gotThePower: true })

// View your tree
// function noop () { return true }
// ├── (item) => item.admin === true [object Object]
// ├─┬ (item) => item.guest === true [object Object]
// │ └── (item) => item.external === true [object Object]
// ├── (item) => item.power === false [object Object]
// └── (item) => item.power === true [object Object]

// View your tree with a custom output
resouceChooser.prettyPrint((criteria, resource = '') => `${criteria.toString()} = Resource [${resource.viewAll}]`)
// function noop () { return true } = Resource [undefined]
// ├── (item) => item.admin === true = Resource [true]
// ├─┬ (item) => item.guest === true = Resource [false]
// │ └── (item) => item.external === true = Resource [false]
// ├── (item) => item.power === false = Resource [undefined]
// └── (item) => item.power === true = Resource [undefined]

const user = {
  guest: true,
  external: true

const res = resouceChooser.evaluate(user)
/** It will print out:
    { viewAll: false, login: 'http://login.log' },
    { viewAll: false, login: 'http://external.login.log' }

const needOnlyOne = resouceChooser.evaluate(user, { maxResults: 1 })
/** It will print out:
 * [ { viewAll: false, login: 'http://login.log' } ]


You have seen all the API in action in the "Usage" paragraph.

We need only to go deeper on evaluate options 👍

Option Default Description
traverseAll false If you have a branch like C1-->C2-->C3 if traverseAll is true, even if C2 fail, C3 will be evaluated and could return its resource (if it will be valid criteria of course). traverseAll = false will stop the execution of the branch whenever a falsy criteria is found
maxResults 0 Limit the output length. 0 means "no limit"
algorithm BFS You can choose between two main traverse tree algorithm: Breadth First-Search and Depth First-Search
order NLR This param set the Depth First-Search to be Pre-Order (NLR) or Post-Order (LRN). The traverseAll parameter is ignored by the Post-Order traversal

Copy-Paste default options:

  traverseAll: false,
  maxResults: 0, // 0 = disabled
  algorithm: 'BFS', // [BFS, DFS]
  order: 'NLR' // [NLR, LRN]


  • Emit events onAdd, onFind, onMax, onEnd
  • Manage Promise in Criteria
  • Performance assessment


Copyright Manuel Spigolon, Licensed under MIT.