
The (web) app for people without perfect pitch



Chords recognizes musical notes present in played audio. It runs on most modern desktop and mobile browsers.


To recognize notes, the following process is used:

  • The audio input is split into 4096 sample wide chunks.
  • Every 1/10 second, this buffer is transformed to a power spectrum
    in frequency space using fast Fourier Transform.
    Frequencies that do not correspond to musical notes are discarded.
  • A new analysis series is started whenever the total power in the spectrum more than doubles
    between consecutive spectra.
  • Whenever an analysis series is started, a Bayes Filter
    is used consecutively to determine which of the notes in the spectrum are being played and which
    are overtones or noise. (See here
    for a Jupyter Notebook with examples.)

Example Spectrum showing a C4 major. The chord is highlighted in red.


Chords is made by Tilman Roeder for the SWE Project Competition. Icons based on the In The Studio icon-set.

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