
[Unmaintained] A select component heavily inspired by Harvest's Chosen



An ember selection component build to replicate and augment the traditional <select> element, heavily inspired by Harvest's Chosen library (hence the name).

View the demo

Supports expected focus behaviour, proper keyboard navigation, and scrolling of the option list to selected options. Features search, and will shortly have full multiple support.

Requires options in the form of:

    name: 'United Kingdom',
    value: 'uk'

So that's an array of objects, where each object has a name and a value.

In the template, all you have to provide is a value and some options:

{{chosem-select value=person options=people}}

You can also provide a placeholder (although it has a default):

{{chosem-select value=place placeholder='Choose a place...' options=places}}

How to use

You'll need to put all the components in the right place in your app, and if you're using a namespace different from App, you'll need to change this to whatever you're using, .e.g MyApp.ChosemSelectComponent = ...

Unfortunately there's no nice an easy way to package up these components for re-use across projects, but I'm sure the ember team will come up with something soon!

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