
⏰ Flexible period and interval handling library for JavaScript and TypeScript, with support for precise time comparisons and custom intervals.

MIT License


Chronos-ts ⏰

Chronos-ts from the name is inspired by the Greek god of time, Chronos. It is a comprehensive TypeScript package for handling time periods, intervals, and date-related operations.

Table of Contents


npm install chronos-ts

# or
yarn add chronos-ts

# or

pnpm add chronos-ts


This package provides an easy-to-use API for working with periods and intervals, along with precise handling of date and time logic. Inspired by the spatie/period package in PHP, this package provides support for both TypeScript and JavaScript environments, offering advanced time manipulation. It offers a user-friendly API for working with periods and intervals, providing precise date and time logic handling. Key features include:

  • Flexible period creation and manipulation with customizable precision (minute to year)
  • Interval generation for recurring events (e.g., "every 3 days")
  • Comprehensive period comparisons (overlaps, contains, adjacent)
  • Precise start/end date handling with various time units
  • Advanced operations like symmetric differences and unions between periods
  • Adjacent period detection for seamless time range management
  • Extensive utility functions for common date operations and formatting

Whether you're building scheduling systems, financial applications, or any project requiring sophisticated time calculations, Chronos simplifies complex time-based operations in both TypeScript and JavaScript environments.


Creating and Manipulating Periods

import { Period, Precision, Interval } from 'chronos-ts';

// Create a period for the year 2023
const year2023 = new Period('2023-01-01', '2023-12-31', Precision.DAY);

// Check if a date is within the period
const isInPeriod = year2023.contains('2023-06-15'); // true

// Create a period for Q2 2023
const q2_2023 = new Period('2023-04-01', '2023-06-30', Precision.DAY);

// Check if periods overlap
const periodsOverlap = year2023.overlapsWith(q2_2023); // true

// Get the overlapping period
const overlap = year2023.overlap(q2_2023);
console.log(overlap?.getStartDate(), overlap?.getEndDate()); // 2023-04-01, 2023-06-30

// Subtract a period
const remainingPeriods = year2023.subtract(q2_2023);
console.log(remainingPeriods.length); // 2
console.log(remainingPeriods[0].getStartDate(), remainingPeriods[0].getEndDate()); // 2023-01-01, 2023-03-31
console.log(remainingPeriods[1].getStartDate(), remainingPeriods[1].getEndDate()); // 2023-07-01, 2023-12-31

// Create a period with an interval
const weeklyPeriod = new Period('2023-01-01', '2023-12-31', Precision.WEEK, Interval.weeks(1));

// Get dates in the interval
const weeklyDates = weeklyPeriod.getDatesInInterval();
console.log(weeklyDates?.length); // 53 (number of weeks in 2023)

// Renew a period
const nextYear = year2023.renew();
console.log(nextYear.getStartDate(), nextYear.getEndDate()); // 2024-01-01, 2024-12-31

// Use fluent API
const customPeriod = new Period('2023-01-01', '2023-12-31')

console.log(customPeriod.getDatesInInterval()?.length); // 5 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct, Jan)

Working with Intervals

import { Interval } from 'chronos-ts';

const twoHours = Interval.hours(2);
console.log(twoHours.getMinutesInterval()); // 120

const threeWeeks = Interval.weeks(3);
console.log(threeWeeks.getMinutesInterval()); // 30240 (3 * 7 * 24 * 60)

const customInterval = new Interval(30, 2, 1, 0, 1); // 30 minutes, 2 hours, 1 day, 0 weeks, 1 month
console.log(customInterval.getMinutesInterval()); // 44310 (30 + 120 + 1440 + 43200)

Using Utility Functions

import { addToDate, subtractFromDate, formatDate, parseDate, getWeekNumber, isLeapYear, Precision } from 'chronos-ts';

const today = new Date();

// Add 3 months to today
const futureDate = addToDate(today, 3, Precision.MONTH);

// Subtract 2 weeks from today
const pastDate = subtractFromDate(today, 2, Precision.WEEK);

// Format a date
const formattedDate = formatDate(today, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');

// Parse a date string
const parsedDate = parseDate('2023-06-15 14:30:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');

// Get the week number
const weekNumber = getWeekNumber(today);

// Check if it's a leap year
const isLeap = isLeapYear(2024); // true

API Reference



The Period class represents a time period with a start date, end date, precision, and optional interval.

constructor(start: string | Date, end: string | Date, precision: Precision = Precision.DAY, interval: Interval | null = null)
  • contains(date: string | Date): boolean: Checks if the given date is within the period.
  • overlapsWith(other: Period): boolean: Checks if this period overlaps with another period.
  • isAdjacentTo(other: Period): boolean: Checks if this period is adjacent to another period.
  • getDatesInInterval(): Date[] | null: Returns an array of dates within the period based on the interval.
  • getMinutesInInterval(): number: Returns the number of minutes in the period.
  • getHoursInInterval(): number: Returns the number of hours in the period.
  • getDaysInInterval(): number: Returns the number of days in the period.
  • getWeeksInInterval(): number: Returns the number of weeks in the period.
  • getMonthsInInterval(): number: Returns the number of months in the period.
  • getYearsInInterval(): number: Returns the number of years in the period.
  • length(): number: Returns the length of the period in the specified precision.
  • overlap(other: Period): Period | null: Returns the overlapping period with another period, if any.
  • subtract(other: Period): Period[]: Subtracts another period from this period.
  • gap(other: Period): Period | null: Returns the gap between this period and another period, if any.
  • symmetricDifference(other: Period): Period[]: Returns the symmetric difference between this period and another period.
  • renew(): Period: Creates a new period of the same length immediately following this period.
  • union(other: Period): Period[]: Returns the union of this period with another period.
Fluent API Methods

setStart(start: string | Date): this: Sets the start date of the period. setEnd(end: string | Date): this: Sets the end date of the period. setPrecision(precision: Precision): this: Sets the precision of the period. setInterval(interval: Interval): this: Sets the interval of the period.


The Interval class represents a time interval with minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. Static Methods

  • minutes(minutes: number): Interval: Creates an interval with the specified number of minutes.
  • hours(hours: number): Interval: Creates an interval with the specified number of hours.
  • days(days: number): Interval: Creates an interval with the specified number of days.
  • weeks(weeks: number): Interval: Creates an interval with the specified number of weeks.
  • months(months: number): Interval: Creates an interval with the specified number of months.

getMinutesInterval(): number: Returns the total number of minutes in the interval.



The Precision enum represents different levels of time precision.

enum Precision {
    MINUTE = 'minute',
    HOUR = 'hour',
    DAY = 'day',
    WEEK = 'week',
    MONTH = 'month',
    YEAR = 'year',

Utility Function

The package includes various utility functions for working with dates:

  • getDatesWithInterval(start: Date, end: Date, interval: Interval): Date[] - Returns an array of dates within the specified interval.
  • getWeeksWithInterval(start: Date, end: Date, interval: Interval): Date[] - Returns an array of weeks within the specified interval.
  • getDaysWithInterval(start: Date, end: Date, interval: Interval): Date[] - Returns an array of days within the specified interval.
  • getHoursWithInterval(start: Date, end: Date, interval: Interval): Date[] - Returns an array of hours within the specified interval.
  • getMinutesWithInterval(start: Date, end: Date, interval: Interval): Date[] - Returns an array of minutes within the specified interval.
  • getMonthsWithInterval(start: Date, end: Date, interval: Interval): Date[] - Returns an array of months within the specified interval.
  • getYearsWithInterval(start: Date, end: Date, interval: Interval): Date[] - Returns an array of years within the specified interval.
  • addToDate(date: Date, amount: number, unit: Precision): Date - Adds the specified amount of time to a date.
  • subtractFromDate(date: Date, amount: number, unit: Precision): Date - Subtracts the specified amount of time from a date.
  • isSameDay(date1: Date, date2: Date): boolean - Checks if two dates are on the same day.
  • getWeekNumber(date: Date): number - Returns the week number of a date.
  • getQuarter(date: Date): number - Returns the quarter of a date.
  • isLeapYear(year: number): boolean - Checks if a year is a leap year.
  • getDaysInMonth(year: number, month: number): number - Returns the number of days in a month.
  • formatDate(date: Date, format: string): string
  • parseDate(dateString: string, format: string): Date - Parses a date string using the specified format.
  • range(start: number, end: number, step: number = 1): number[] - Returns an array of numbers within the specified range.

Real-world Scenarios

1. Event Planning and Management The Period class can be used to represent events, while the Interval class can help manage recurring events.

import { Period, Interval, Precision } from 'chronos-ts';

// Create an event
const conference = new Period('2023-09-15 09:00', '2023-09-17 18:00', Precision.HOUR);

// Check if a specific time is during the conference
const isDuringConference = conference.contains('2023-09-16 14:30'); // true

// Create a recurring weekly meeting
const weeklyMeeting = new Period('2023-01-01 10:00', '2023-12-31 11:00', Precision.HOUR, Interval.weeks(1));

// Get all meeting dates
const meetingDates = weeklyMeeting.getDatesInInterval();

// Check for conflicts with the conference
const conflictingMeetings = meetingDates?.filter(date => conference.contains(date)) || [];
console.log(`There are ${conflictingMeetings.length} conflicting meetings during the conference.`);

2. Financial Reporting Periods Use the Period class to represent financial quarters and calculate year-to-date periods.

import { Period, Precision } from 'chronos-ts';

const q1_2023 = new Period('2023-01-01', '2023-03-31', Precision.DAY);
const q2_2023 = new Period('2023-04-01', '2023-06-30', Precision.DAY);
const q3_2023 = new Period('2023-07-01', '2023-09-30', Precision.DAY);
const q4_2023 = new Period('2023-10-01', '2023-12-31', Precision.DAY);

// Calculate Year-to-Date period
const ytd = (currentQuarter: Period): Period => {
  return new Period('2023-01-01', currentQuarter.endDate, Precision.DAY);

const q3YTD = ytd(q3_2023);
console.log(`Q3 YTD period: ${q3YTD.getStartDate().toDateString()} - ${q3YTD.getEndDate().toDateString()}`);

// Calculate quarter-over-quarter growth
const calculateQoQGrowth = (currentQuarter: number, previousQuarter: number): string => {
  const growth = (currentQuarter - previousQuarter) / previousQuarter * 100;
  return `${growth.toFixed(2)}%`;

const q2Revenue = 1000000;
const q3Revenue = 1200000;
console.log(`Q3 QoQ Growth: ${calculateQoQGrowth(q3Revenue, q2Revenue)}`);

3. Employee Leave Management Use the Period class to manage employee leave requests and calculate leave balances.

import { Period, Precision } from 'chronos-ts';

// Create a leave request period
const leaveRequest = new Period('2023-09-15', '2023-09-17', Precision.DAY);

// Check if the leave request overlaps with existing leave periods
const existingLeaves = [
  new Period('2023-09-10', '2023-09-14', Precision.DAY),
  new Period('2023-09-18', '2023-09-20', Precision.DAY),

const overlappingLeaves = existingLeaves.filter(leave => leaveRequest.overlapsWith(leave));
console.log(`There are ${overlappingLeaves.length} overlapping leave requests.`);

// Calculate remaining leave balance
const totalLeaveDays = 20;
const usedLeaveDays = existingLeaves.reduce((total, leave) => total + leave.length(), 0);
const remainingLeaveDays = totalLeaveDays - usedLeaveDays;
console.log(`Remaining leave days: ${remainingLeaveDays}`);

// Renew leave balance for the next year
const nextYearLeaveBalance = remainingLeaveDays > 0 ? new Period('2024-01-01', '2024-12-31') : null;
console.log(`Next year's leave balance: ${nextYearLeaveBalance ? nextYearLeaveBalance.length() : 0} days`);

4. Project Timeline Management Use the Period class to manage project timelines and track overlapping tasks.

import { Period, Precision } from 'chronos-ts';

const projectTimeline = new Period('2023-01-01', '2023-12-31', Precision.DAY);

const tasks = [
  new Period('2023-01-15', '2023-03-31', Precision.DAY),
  new Period('2023-03-01', '2023-05-15', Precision.DAY),
  new Period('2023-05-01', '2023-08-31', Precision.DAY),
  new Period('2023-08-15', '2023-11-30', Precision.DAY),

// Find overlapping tasks
const findOverlappingTasks = (tasks: Period[]): [Period, Period][] => {
  const overlaps: [Period, Period][] = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
    for (let j = i + 1; j < tasks.length; j++) {
      if (tasks[i].overlapsWith(tasks[j])) {
        overlaps.push([tasks[i], tasks[j]]);
  return overlaps;

const overlappingTasks = findOverlappingTasks(tasks);
console.log(`There are ${overlappingTasks.length} overlapping tasks in the project.`);

// Calculate project progress
const calculateProgress = (currentDate: Date): number => {
  const daysPassed = new Period(projectTimeline.getStartDate(), currentDate, Precision.DAY).getDaysInInterval();
  const totalDays = projectTimeline.getDaysInInterval();
  return (daysPassed / totalDays) * 100;

const currentProgress = calculateProgress(new Date('2023-06-15'));
console.log(`Project progress: ${currentProgress.toFixed(2)}%`);

5. Subscription Billing Cycle Management Use the Period class to manage subscription periods and calculate renewal dates.

import { Period, Precision, addToDate } from 'chronos-ts';

class Subscription {
  constructor(public startDate: Date, public plan: 'monthly' | 'annual') {}

  getCurrentPeriod(): Period {
    const endDate = addToDate(this.startDate, 1, this.plan === 'monthly' ? Precision.MONTH : Precision.YEAR);
    return new Period(this.startDate, endDate, Precision.DAY);

  isActive(date: Date = new Date()): boolean {
    return this.getCurrentPeriod().contains(date);

  getRenewalDate(): Date {
    return this.getCurrentPeriod().getEndDate();

  renew(): void {
    this.startDate = this.getRenewalDate();

const monthlySubscription = new Subscription(new Date('2023-01-01'), 'monthly');
console.log(`Monthly subscription active: ${monthlySubscription.isActive()}`);
console.log(`Monthly subscription renewal date: ${monthlySubscription.getRenewalDate().toDateString()}`);

const annualSubscription = new Subscription(new Date('2023-01-01'), 'annual');
console.log(`Annual subscription active: ${annualSubscription.isActive()}`);
console.log(`Annual subscription renewal date: ${annualSubscription.getRenewalDate().toDateString()}`);

// Check if a subscription will be active on a future date
const futureDate = new Date('2023-12-15');
console.log(`Monthly subscription active on ${futureDate.toDateString()}: ${monthlySubscription.isActive(futureDate)}`);
console.log(`Annual subscription active on ${futureDate.toDateString()}: ${annualSubscription.isActive(futureDate)}`);

// Renew a subscription
const renewedPeriod = monthlySubscription.getCurrentPeriod();
console.log(`Monthly subscription renewed. New period: ${renewedPeriod.getStartDate().toDateString()} - ${renewedPeriod.getEndDate().toDateString()}`);

6. Employee Shift Management

Use the Period and Interval classes to manage employee shifts and calculate overtime.

import { Period, Interval, Precision, addToDate } from 'chronos-ts';

class Shift extends Period {
  constructor(public employee: string, start: Date, end: Date) {
    super(start, end, Precision.MINUTE);

  getDuration(): number {
    return this.getHoursInInterval();

  isOvertime(): boolean {
    return this.getDuration() > 8;

  getOvertimeHours(): number {
    return Math.max(0, this.getDuration() - 8);

// Create a week's worth of shifts for an employee
const createWeekShifts = (employee: string, startDate: Date): Shift[] => {
  const shifts: Shift[] = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Assuming 5-day work week
    const shiftStart = addToDate(startDate, i, Precision.DAY);
    shiftStart.setHours(9, 0, 0, 0); // 9 AM start
    const shiftEnd = new Date(shiftStart);
    shiftEnd.setHours(17, 0, 0, 0); // 5 PM end
    shifts.push(new Shift(employee, shiftStart, shiftEnd));
  return shifts;

const employeeShifts = createWeekShifts('John Doe', new Date('2023-06-19'));

// Calculate total hours worked and overtime
const totalHours = employeeShifts.reduce((sum, shift) => sum + shift.getDuration(), 0);
const overtimeHours = employeeShifts.reduce((sum, shift) => sum + shift.getOvertimeHours(), 0);

console.log(`Total hours worked: ${totalHours}`);
console.log(`Overtime hours: ${overtimeHours}`);

// Check for conflicting shifts
const hasConflict = (shifts: Shift[]): boolean => {
  for (let i = 0; i < shifts.length; i++) {
    for (let j = i + 1; j < shifts.length; j++) {
      if (shifts[i].overlapsWith(shifts[j])) {
        return true;
  return false;

console.log(`Shifts have conflicts: ${hasConflict(employeeShifts)}`);

7. Travel Itinerary Planning Use the Period class to manage travel itineraries and check for scheduling conflicts.

import { Period, Precision, addToDate } from 'chronos-ts';

class TravelEvent extends Period {
  constructor(public description: string, start: Date, end: Date) {
    super(start, end, Precision.MINUTE);

class Itinerary {
  events: TravelEvent[] = [];

  addEvent(event: TravelEvent): void {
    if (this.hasConflict(event)) {
      throw new Error('Event conflicts with existing events');

  hasConflict(newEvent: TravelEvent): boolean {
    return => event.overlapsWith(newEvent));

  getDuration(): number {
    if ( === 0) return 0;
    const start =, e) => e.getStartDate() < min ? e.getStartDate() : min,[0].getStartDate());
    const end =, e) => e.getEndDate() > max ? e.getEndDate() : max,[0].getEndDate());
    return new Period(start, end, Precision.HOUR).getDaysInInterval();

// Create a travel itinerary
const itinerary = new Itinerary();

// Add events to the itinerary
try {
  itinerary.addEvent(new TravelEvent('Flight to Paris', new Date('2023-07-01 10:00'), new Date('2023-07-01 12:00')));
  itinerary.addEvent(new TravelEvent('Hotel Check-in', new Date('2023-07-01 14:00'), new Date('2023-07-01 15:00')));
  itinerary.addEvent(new TravelEvent('Eiffel Tower Visit', new Date('2023-07-02 10:00'), new Date('2023-07-02 13:00')));
  itinerary.addEvent(new TravelEvent('Louvre Museum', new Date('2023-07-03 09:00'), new Date('2023-07-03 12:00')));
  itinerary.addEvent(new TravelEvent('Flight to Rome', new Date('2023-07-04 15:00'), new Date('2023-07-04 17:00')));
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error creating itinerary:', error.message);

console.log(`Itinerary duration: ${itinerary.getDuration()} days`);

// Try to add a conflicting event
try {
  itinerary.addEvent(new TravelEvent('Conflicting Event', new Date('2023-07-01 11:00'), new Date('2023-07-01 13:00')));
} catch (error) {
  console.log('Caught conflicting event:', error.message);

Contributing 🤝

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. After cloning & setting up project locally, you can just submit a PR to this repo and it will be deployed once it's accepted. There is a list of TODOs in the file. The project is still in its early stages, so there are plenty of opportunities to contribute.

License 📝

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Acknowledgements 🙏